Agenda item

Planning application - MC/17/0930 - Machine Shop 8, Chatham Docks



Construction of a structure to provide weathertight enclosure and change of use of machine shop no. 8 to Class D2 leisure with associated parking.




The Head of Planning outlined the planning application in detail and drew attention to representations received since despatch of the agenda from the applicant and objectors, details of which were summarised on the supplementary agenda advice sheet. He advised that the applicants had confirmed that they were hopeful that the bulk of the space within the structure would be occupied by a climbing centre. As climbing was anticipated to be an event at the next Olympics, the applicants were hopeful of securing one of the first Olympic style climbing walls in the UK.


He provided the Committee with background information on the application site and confirmed that it had not been intended that the skeletal frame of the machine shop would remain uncovered indefinitely. However, over the years very few options had been put forward for use of the site having regard to the requirement to protect the frame and find a use that would enable the frame to be viewed. He stressed that sections of the frame were now beginning to deteriorate and therefore it was imperative that if a use could be found that would enable to structure to be covered but still viewed, then this was to be welcomed.


He advised upon the materials that would be used to cover the frame and advised that these would be similar to those used at Dockside Outlet and the Odeon Cinema. The building would include a further cover internally over the new external frame that would enable the existing listed frame to be clearly viewed internally.


He drew attention to the comments of Historic England as set out within the report and advised that Historic England was supportive of the planning application as it would afford a level of protection to the Machine Shop skeletal frame.


With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Tejan spoke on this application as Ward Councillor and, on behalf of residents from J6 expressed concern that the proposal to enclose the skeletal frame would result in loss of view, light trespass from light emission from the building and increased noise disturbance. He expressed concern that the applicants were aware of the residents’ concerns but had failed to engage with residents to discuss these issues. He advised that residents understood that the site needed to be developed but considered that the development and use had to be right for the area. He suggested that if the Committee was minded to approve the application, before doing so, Members undertake a site visit so as to view the proximity of the application site to the residential properties at J6.


The Committee discussed the Ward Councillor’s request for a site visit and did not support such a request as it was considered that the location of the site was well known and it was possible to view the proximity of the site to J6 from the photographs displayed at the meeting.


The Committee discussed the application having regard to residents’ concerns and the proposed conditions set out within the report as they related to control of lighting, noise and parking. The Committee noted that the application site was located in an area of mixed development and that it was always intended that the Machine Shop skeletal frame would be clad once a suitable use for the structure could be identified.




Approved with conditions 1 – 13 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report.

Supporting documents: