Agenda item

Planning application - MC/17/1053 - Salt Lane, Cliffe, Rochester Kent ME3 7SU

Strood Rural


Restoration of Chalk Lake to pre-extraction ground levels using inert materials.




The Head of Planning outlined the planning application in detail and advised the Committee that if it was minded to approve the application, there were suggested changes to the recommendation and proposed conditions, details of which were set out on the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


In response to a question, the Legal Advisor confirmed that the proposed unilateral undertaking stipulated that works cannot take place until mitigation works have been completed.




Approved subject to:


a)            A unilateral undertaking to secure an ecological and landscape enhancement of Alpha Lake as approved under planning permission ref: MC/14/1630 to include re-profiling and creation of new island features; and

b)            Conditions 1, 2 and 4 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report, amended conditions 3 and 8 (but renumbered 7), and new conditions 5 and 6, as set out below and 9 as set out in the report but renumbered 8:


3.         No development shall take place until a plan detailing the timing of habitat manipulation/removal and creation has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and such plan shall be sufficiently detailed to provide confidence that sufficient enhancement, mitigation and/or protection of protected species is possible. Any change to operational, including management, responsibilities shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The plan shall be carried out in accordance with a timetable for implementation as approved.


The scheme shall include the following elements:


·         Details of how and when fish and eels will be rescued and moved from the site. Note a permit for this activity will be required from the Environment Agency.

·         Details of mitigation habitat for water voles, when and where this will be created.

·         Any other mitigation for protected species required for this site.


Reason: To protect the populations of protected species, and fish currently found at the development site.


5.         No development shall commence until a construction environmental management plan that describes measures to control the noise, dust, lighting and the effect on wildlife and habitat (including hours of operation) impacts arising from the construction phase of the development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and all construction works shall be undertaken in accordance with this approved plan.


Reason: In order to minimise the impact of the construction period on the amenities of local residents, the countryside, wildlife and habitat and with regard to Policies BNE2, BNE37 and BNE39 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.


6.         All inert material to be used in the infilling of Chalk Lake shall be brought to the site by boat, barge or rail and no material shall be imported through the use of vehicles on the local highway network.


Reason: To protect the amenities of residents in the area from disturbance from additional heavy goods vehicle traffic and to accord with Policy BNE2 of the Medway Local Plan 2003.


7.         Details of the monitoring and management of groundwater (including displaced) groundwater flows shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Lead Local Flood Authority prior to the commencement of infilling of the lake.


Reason: To manage the risks of associated with displaced groundwater due to the changes in the hydraulic connectivity and behaviour of groundwater during and post construction.

Supporting documents: