Agenda item

Planning application - MC/16/2776 - Land at Brickfields, Darland Farm, Pear Tree Lane, Hempstead, Gillingham ME7 3PP

Hempstead and Wigmore


Outline application with some matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for a residential development of up to 44 dwellings with associated garaging, access, landscaping and open space. 




The Head of Planning reminded the Committee that this application had been considered by the Committee on 16 November 2016 but had been deferred to enable further discussions on the level of Section 106 funding proposed for affordable housing off site, the possibility of strengthening the landscape treatment on the eastern and northern boundaries and the possible inclusion of Section 106 funding for reviewing the 50mph speed limit in Pear Tree Lane.


The Head of Planning drew attention to the outcome of discussions with the applicant on the above issues, details of which were summarised on the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


As a result, he suggested that if the Committee was minded to approve the application, the proposed heads of agreement for the Section 106 required amendment and proposed condition 4 required amendment to refer to an updated plan.


The Committee discussed the application and, whilst the uplift in the level of Section 106 funding for affordable housing was appreciated, there was still an element of concern about the speed of traffic in Pear Tree Lane, having regard to the lack of lighting and footpaths and the impact that the proposed development would have upon the roundabout at Ash Tree Lane.


The Head of Planning confirmed that the footpath issue had already been addressed in the proposed planning application and he drew attention to the proposed addition to the Section 106 agreement for the applicant to contribute £5,000 towards securing a Traffic Regulation Order to reduce the speed limit along a section of Pear Tree Lane from 50mph to 40mph. A Member suggested that if possible, an element of this £5,000 be used to partially pay for the provision of lighting on this stretch of road.




Approved subject to:


A)        The applicant entering into a Section 106 agreement to secure the following:


1.         A contribution of £1,875,000 towards the provision of off-site affordable housing in lieu of providing affordable units within the proposed development;


2.         A contribution of £20,589.80 towards the provision of healthcare facilities;


3.         A contribution of £40,268.80 based on an occupancy ratio of 0.11 towards the provision of nursery school facilities;


4.         A contribution of £98,841.60 based on an occupancy ratio of 0.27 towards the provision of primary school facilities;


5.         A contribution of £99,985.60 based on an occupancy ratio of 0.19 toward the provision of secondary school facilities;


6.         A contribution of £26,312.00 based on an occupancy ration of 0.05 towards the provision of sixth form facilities;


7.         A contribution of £122,734.90 based an occupancy ratios of 3.59 towards improvements to Capstone Country Park and/or Luton Recreation Ground;


8.         A contribution of £9,837.52 (£223.58 per dwelling) towards appropriate  mitigation measures within Special Protection Areas;


9.         A contribution of £28,000 towards the initial capital costs and £21,600 towards ongoing management cost necessary to mitigate the impact of the development on the Darland Banks Site of Nature Conservation Interest and Local Nature Reserve;


10.       The following off site highway works to be completed prior to occupation of the development (in accordance with drawing number 16-007-008 rev A):


a)         Provision of new priority junctions on old Pear Tree Lane, including new kerb lines and associated road markings and highway signs as required;

b)         Provision of traffic calming and a system of street lighting on the western section of old Pear Tree Lane between the site access and Capstone Road;

c)         Amendments to the existing traffic islands on Capstone Road and the provision of an uncontrolled crossing suitable for pedestrians and cyclists;

d)         Provision of a new section of footway on the western side of Capstone Road;

e)         Provision of a pedestrian footway linking the proposed                       development to Hempstead.


11.       To pay the Council's Legal and Monitoring Officer costs.


12.       A contribution of £5,000 towards securing a Traffic Regulation Order to reduce the speed limit along this section of Pear Tree Lane from 50mph to 40mph.


B)        Conditions 1 – 3 and 5 – 20 as set out in the report for the reasons stated in the report and revised condition 4 as set out below:


4         The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: drawing no.s 712/L (-) & 05 16-007-008 rev A) received on 7 July 2016 and drawing no. 712:L (--) 01 D received on 12 December 2016.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.

Supporting documents: