Agenda item

KMPT Mental Health Update

The report provides an update on the work of Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT). This includes details of current activities and priorities, successes, challenges and opportunities.


The Committee has previously been provided with regular updates on the acute mental health inpatient beds review. This report provides an update on inpatient beds and also covers the wider work of the Trust.




The Chief Executive of the Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT), introduced the report. The report provided details of the Trust’s current activities, priorities, successes, challenges and opportunities. The Committee had previously been provided with regular updates in relation to mental health bed provision. Following discussion with the Chairman of the Committee, it had been agreed at a pre-agenda meeting held on 6 October 2016 that future reports submitted to the Committee would include a wider update on KMPT’s work.


The Committee was advised that a Whole System Mental Health Workshop had taken place on 12 October 2016. The Chief Executive of KMPT had found this to be a very positive experience. Following this, a report had been presented to the Medway Health and Wellbeing Board on 3 November and a Mental Health Strategy was now due to be developed.


The Trust had worked to reduce the use of private inpatient acute mental health beds to a maximum of 15 by the end of October 2016.This was down from 76 beds in June. A plan was in place to ensure that this reduction was sustained and medical professionals were involved in this work.


The Committee raised a number of points and questions as follows:


Engagement and Service Improvement: In response to a question about public engagement undertaken, it was confirmed that a variety of engagement had taken place. There were five engagement representatives for each of the five main towns in Medway, with patients being consulted on the development of services. Improvements had been made with regard to accident and emergency provision, with Medway Maritime being the only acute hospital in Kent with 24/7 mental health provision. Recruitment was being looked at and a detailed improvement plan was under development.


Personality Disorders and Street Triage: A Member asked what provision was available for the treatment of personality disorders since the closure of a unit and about the provision of street triage. The Member was also concerned that services were not being promoted. The Chief Executive advised that there was some provision locally in relation to personality disorders and that there was some street triage provision in Dartford but that this was not able to cover the whole of Kent and Medway. Street Triage involved mental health workers going out on patrol with police officers. This could help to avoid the need for the Police to use Section 136 powers which allowed them to remove a person to a place of a safety where there were concerns for their wellbeing for mental health reasons. Consideration was being given as to how to work with commissioners, the Police and patients to improve provision. It was noted a mental health crisis hospital admission could be for up to 72 hours.


Brain Injury Unit: In response to a Member question, the Chief Executive advised that there were currently no plans for the brain injury unit in Medway to be expanded.


Mental Health Provision: A Member felt that services should be provided in a suitable environment as close as possible to a patient’s home. She was also concerned that there had not been sufficient follow up after previous mental health seminars. It was confirmed that a meeting was due to take place with all relevant agencies following the recent workshop and that providers would be held to account.


Homeless Persons: Concerns were raised about the challenges faced by homeless people and the difficulties they may face in accessing services. The Chief Executive felt that services were not as joined up or robust as they could be and undertook to provide relevant figures in relation to homeless provision.


Discharge of Patients: A Member highlighted achievements made to date in enabling people in acute beds to be discharged to an appropriate place and work being undertaken to reduce readmissions following an emergency stay.




The Committee:


a)    The Committee noted the content of the report and provided the comments as above.


b)    Agreed to recommend that Cabinet emphasises to the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner the importance of street triage.

Supporting documents: