Agenda item

York Avenue, Gillingham six month review following implementation of parking changes

This report provides a six month review for a parking scheme implemented in York Avenue, Gillingham to assist in reducing delays to traffic on the approach to Medway Hospital.




The Committee was reminded that the former Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 5 April 2015 had considered the implementation of parking changes in York Avenue, Gillingham aimed at increasing parking provision for Medway Hospital. The item had been referred to the Committee at the request of a lead petitioner on behalf of petitioners who were opposed to the proposed parking scheme.


The Committee was advised that the parking changes had subsequently been implemented in York Avenue but with a reduced time period. Therefore, the Pay and Display Scheme operated Monday – Friday from 10am – 5pm. The Committee had requested that a six month review be undertaken once the scheme had been operational and had extended an invitation to the lead petitioner to attend and address the Committee on the operation of the scheme at the end of the six month review.


The Committee was advised that the scheme had come into operation on 21 September 2015 and that during the period from implementation to 31 March 2016, officers had made ad hoc visits whilst travelling to other site visits and had noted between 15 – 20 spaces remaining available on the Hospital side of the road during the day.


The report set out a number of options for the Committee to consider for the future of the scheme along with financial costs involved.


In line with the Committee’s decision on 5 April 2015, the lead petitioner was in attendance at the meeting and was invited to address the Committee on the operation of the parking changes.


Ms Terrie Baker advised the Committee that the implementation of the changes to the parking had done little to reduce congestion especially during times that the Hospital barrier failed to operate. She asked that the Pay and Display Scheme not be expanded to cover weekends as had been included in the original proposal.


The local Ward Councillor reported on the operation of the parking changes in York Avenue and supported the lead petitioner’s request that Option B (the expansion of the scheme to include weekends) not be pursued as it was during the evenings and weekends that there was pressure on parking in the area. However, he requested that the parking changes continue to be monitored and that a further review be undertaken.


In addition, the local Ward Councillor drew attention to the lack of clarity on signage in the area as they related to different sides of the road and requested that this be investigated. He also commented that the parking machines were emptied between 4am – 5am and that this created a noise disturbance to local residents but he confirmed that he had raised this separately with officers.


The Integrated Transport Manager advised that the controlled parking zone in the area operated from Monday to Sunday and it had originally been intended that the Pay and Display Scheme in York Avenue would run parallel with the controlled parking zone times. However, the Pay and Display Scheme had been amended to run from Monday – Friday. Option B had therefore been included within the report for the Committee to consider whether it wished to recommend that the scheme revert back to the original intended time period. However, she pointed out that any proposed change to the controlled parking zone or Pay and Display Scheme in York Avenue would require formal consultation.


A Member referred to the proposed review of controlled parking zones across Medway and sought an assurance that the parking arrangements in York Avenue would not be consumed as part of this overall review. The Integrated Transport Manager advised that she was co-ordinating the controlled parking zone review and therefore the specific parking arrangements in York Avenue would be taken on board.




The Committee supported the retention of the existing parking arrangements in York Avenue, Gillingham but requested that the position continued to be monitored and a further review be undertaken in six months.

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