Agenda item

Planning application - MC/16/0600 - Land between Roman Way and Knight Road East of The Medway Valley Railway Line (Temple waterfront) Strood, Kent

Strood South


Application for approval of Reserved Matters, including layout, landscaping, scale, appearance and access - details to provide 210 new dwellings of Phase 1A of Outline Permission (MC/09/0417) - Outline application for planning permission providing up to 620 units (Use Class C3); up to 10,300 sqm of employment floorspace (Use Classes B1a/b/c, B2 and B8); up to 1,800 sqm of retail floorspace (Use Classes A1 to A5); up to 200 sqm community facilities (Use Classes D1/D2); strategic landscaping, improvements to open space, parking and related infrastructure including works in relation to site preparation, flood defence and land raising.




The Planning Manager – Major Projects outlined the planning application and drew the Committee’s attention to the revisions to the proposed conditions set out in the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


The Committee discussed the application in detail and were concerned that the collaboration agreement with Redrow over access to public open space for phase 1 had not been achieved.




Approved subject to


A).          The applicant signing a Unilateral Undertaking under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure £46,951.80 (£223.58 per dwelling) towards Designated Habitats Mitigation;

B).          The following conditions:


1.    The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:


Exterior Architecture Drawing Numbers: EA_1539_P_001 B, EA_1539_P_100 B, EA_1539_P_101 B, EA_1539_P_102 B, EA_1539_P_103 B, EA_1539_P_110 B, EA_1539_P_111 B, EA_1539_P_112 B, EA_1539_P_113 B, EA_1539_P_114 B, EA_1539_P_115 B, EA_1539_P_300 B, EA_1539_P_301 B, EA_1539_P_302 B, EA_1539_P_303 B, EA_1539_P_304 B, EA_1539_P_305 B, EA_1539_P_306 B, EA_1539_P_400, EA_1539_P_401, EA_1539_P_410 A, EA_1539_P_411 A, EA_1539_P_412 A, EA_1539_P_413 B, EA_1539_P_414 A, EA_1539_P_415, EA_1539_P_416, EA_1539_P_420 B, EA_1539_P_450, EA_1539_P_451, EA_1539_P_452, EA_1539_P_453, EA_1539_P_454; and John Pardey Associates Drawing Numbers: 1507/100; 1507/105 A; 1507/106; 1507/110 A; 1507/200 A; 1507/202 A; 1507/203 A; 1507/204 A; 1507/205 A; 1507/207 1507/230 C; 1507/231 C; 1507/300 B; 1507/301 A; 1507/235 C; 1507/240; 1507/245; 1507/250; 1507/255; 1507/260; 1507/265; 1507/270 D; 1507/271 B; 1507/272 B; 1507/273 B; 1507/280 B; 1507/281 B; 1507/285 B; 1507/290 B; 1507/210; 1507/215; 1507/220; 1507/225; 1507/226; 1507/275; 1507/310 A; 1507/311 A; 1507/380; 1507/385; 1507/390; 1507/410 B; 1507/415 B; 1507/420 D; 1507/425 D; 1507/430 C; 1507/431 C; 1507/432 C; 1507/433 C; 1507/435 C; 1507/440 D; 1507/445 D; 1507/450 C; 1507/455 C; 1507/460 B; 1507/465 B; 1507/470 B; 1507/471 B; 1507/472 B; 1507/473 A; 1507/475 B; 1507/480 C; 1507/485 B; 1507/490 B; 1507/500 A; 1507/501 A; 1507/502 A; 1507/601; 1507/602; 1507/603; 1507/604; 1507/605; 1507/606; 1507/607; 1507/608; 1507/609; 1507/610; 1507/611; 1507/612; 1507/616; 1507/617; 1507/618.


2.    No development above foundation level shall take place until the following details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:


·         Sample windows for the bespoke units and the Town Houses

·         Sample weather boarding

·         1:20 technical sections and specifications of the external envelope of the residential buildings including eaves arrangements; roof pitches; head, sill and ceiling heights; doors; and window details, positions and arrangements


The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details.


3.    Notwithstanding the landscape details hereby approved under this reserved matters, no development above foundation level shall take place until details of exact plants and planting densities for all non private areas have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The approved planting shall be undertaken within the timetable agreed pursuant to this reserved matters and shall be maintained in accordance with the approved management arrangements.


C   Delegated authority be granted to withhold the release of the decision notice.  This will be pending for a period of 2 months subject to the completion of a Collaboration Agreement between the applicant and the Council (as well as the Unilateral Undertaking).  Should the Collaboration Agreement not be signed within 2 months, the application is to be referred back to the Planning Committee.

Supporting documents: