Agenda item

Short Breaks Provision for Children with Disabilities and the Local Offer

This report serves to inform Overview and Scrutiny of the proposals for how families will access community based Short Breaks Provision, the suggested eligibility criteria for Short Breaks and the proposal that Direct Payments be the main vehicle by which families purchase Short Breaks.




The Assistant Director, Partnership Commissioning introduced the report which provided the Committee with proposals to be consulted on for how families will access community based Short Breaks Provision, suggested eligibility criteria and proposed use of Direct Payments, although it was confirmed that this would be a phased approach as families, nor the market, were ready to move solely to Direct Payments.  Therefore a framework had been put in place to allow the local authority to continue to directly purchase short breaks provision while the direct payment model was developed further.  She also provided the Committee with a further update in relation to Aut Even, which would reopen for overnight short breaks from 29 May 2016 and suggested that a report on Aut Even be added to the Committee’s work programme as a separate item.


Members then raised a number of questions and comments, which included: -


·         Uptake of Direct Payments – in response to a question about why uptake remained low officers explained that, unlike in adult social care, where Direct Payments had been available for 10 years, they had only been made available in children’s social care following the Children and Families Act 2014.  Therefore, the provider market was far less equipped than that within adult services and development of readiness by providers would form part of the consultation exercise.


·         Support for families using Direct Payments – in response to concerns raised about the difficulties families would have in using Direct Payments and the support that would be needed, officers confirmed that there were two Short Breaks Co-ordinators who would be able to advise on short break options, as well as to help with processes relating to Direct Payments.  It was confirmed that Short Breaks Co-ordinators would not be funded from Direct Payments.  A Community Brokerage Service was also being considered as for some families, combining their Direct Payments to jointly purchase provision may provide better value for money.


·         Utilising resource in Medway – in response to a query about ensuring more short breaks provision was offered locally and that local provision, such as Aut Even and Parklands, was used to its best capacity, officers confirmed that they were seeking to extend local provision in a range of ways for example developing a network of local respite care in family homes with foster carers and day care services.


·         Consultation exercise – The Healthwatch Medway CIC representative offered the organisation’s support in promoting the consultation exercise, which was welcomed by officers.  Officers confirmed that because the period included term time and school holidays it would enable them to reach various groups.  For example, young people often used provision during school holidays which would therefore provide an opportunity in obtaining their feedback.  It was also added that the Medway Parent and Carer Forum would be active partners in the consultation exercise.  Officers undertook to discuss with the Parents and Carers Forum having an open event with parents as part of the consultation that Members could be invited to.


·         Thresholds between levels – in response to a question about the detail of the thresholds between the levels of eligibility and support, officers confirmed that this would be part of the consultation and more detail would therefore be included in the report back to this Committee after consultation.


·         Challenging of access to accurate data of usage – in response to a question about why this had been the case it was explained that it largely related to historic funding arrangements that had been in place which had resulted in some Medway funded places being used by non-Medway families or by young people that were over the age of 18 and collecting data retrospectively was complex.


·         Number of beds available – in response to a question about how many beds were available in Medway officers confirmed that not all users of short breaks provision needed access to bedded accommodation and that there needed to a range of short breaks provision available to accommodate all levels of need.


·         Typical provider – in response to a question about what a typical provider looked like, officers explained that it would be one that can supply flexible provision, provide a choice of activities and provide commissioners with feedback and usage data.


·         Risks that levels of Direct Payments would be insufficient for some families – in response to a question about how the Council would mitigate this risk it was explained that when the result of a self assessment equated to a level 3 payment of Direct Payments, a dialogue with the family would take place to determine whether the Short Breaks provision could be purchased using the Direct Payment or whether additional support may be required.


·         Local offer – in relation to a question about specifics of the local offer, officers confirmed that development of the local offer was ongoing and that families would be updated on information in a variety of ways such as newsletters, annual events to showcase provision and via the Medway Parent and Carer Forum Facebook page.  Officers also undertook to include in the report back to the Committee on the outcome of the consultation, an update on the local offer.




1)    The Committee recommended the Cabinet to approve officers to commence consultation on the proposals as outlined in the report, for a period from June to September 2016.


2)    The Committee recommended that the report back to the Committee on the outcome of consultation include details on the local offer.

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