Agenda item

Presentation on Highways

Members asked officers to make a presentation on how Highways is managed in Medway, with a view of understanding the technical process involved in selecting a work programme for a year and whether Medway was in a position to look further ahead in their programming: This presentation explains how officers arrive at a programme of works to meet council objectives.




Members considered a report and received a presentation from the Head of Highways and Parking on how highways were managed in Medway, with a view to understanding the technical process involved in selecting a work programme for the year and whether Medway was in a position to look further ahead in its programming. The presentation explained how officers arrived at a programme of works to meet the Council’s objectives.


A Member welcomed the data-led approach to determining the programme of highways schemes and asked for confirmation that requests from individual Members did not undermine this approach. The Head of Highways and Parking commented that all schemes were technically appraised and then prioritised and gave an assurance that Members’ requests, whilst welcome, had not in the previous 6 years led to the schedule of works being amended. 


On liaison with utility companies, officers responded that work by utilities impacted on public satisfaction with the road network. Once a scheme had been signed off, the Council served notice on the utilities that they had 3-4 months to finalise any works after which the Council would prevent them from carrying out works on the highway unless it was an emergency situation.


On the Department for Transport’s (DfT) self assessment on asset management, which was linked to future funding, the Council had self assessed as being in Band 2 but officers were confident that for the next assessment in January 2017 Band 3 (the highest band) would be achieved.  The Head of Highways and Parking replied that the Council had taken part in this self assessment as part of a pilot but had not received any feedback from the Department for Transport. He was confident that in reality the Council was at Band 3 at present, but had erred on the side of caution in the self assessment.


A Member asked for details of what funds were needed for the highways network to maintain its current levels of technical performance.


A Member asked what the annual budget was for Medway Tunnel, how this compared to the situation before the Council took on responsibility for the tunnel and what percentage this represented in terms of the overall highways budget. In response, the Council was spending about the same each year on the tunnel as the previous operator - £600-800,000 pa. The DfT had given the Council £5m to operate the tunnel, which had been ring fenced.


Regarding the levels of finance needed to be invested in the highways network in order to maintain current levels of technical performance, officers responded that the Council’s budget modelling systems allowed this information to be made readily available.


In response to a question about whether the Council would be adopting the road network at Medway Gates, the Committee was advised that this would not be considered at present due to concerns about the soundness of the roads both structurally and financially.


A Member asked what the possible impact might be on the network as a result of the second Thames crossing. Officers responded that most of the resulting additional traffic would be on Kent County Council’s network. Part of the Council’s response to the consultation on the crossing was that whichever option was chosen, there should be additional funding from the Government to reflect any increase in traffic on the network in Medway.




The Committee agreed to:


a)        note the report and the presentation


b)        thank Mr Phil Moore, the Head of Highways and Parking, for his huge contribution to the Council and wish him well for the future.


c)         ask for details of what levels of finance is needed to be invested in the highways network in order to maintain current levels of technical performance.




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