Agenda item

Planning application - MC/16/0095 - Units 5 & 6, Medway Distribution Centre, Courteney Road, Rainham, ME8 0RT

Rainham Central


Change of use from use classes B1 (employment), B2 (general industrial) and B8 (storage and distribution) to B1, B2, B8 and D2 (leisure use as a trampoline park) and extension of hardstanding to provide additional car parking. 




The Head of Planning drew attention to the supplementary agenda advice sheet and advised the Committee that attached to the advice sheet was a revised site plan.


He also reported upon a correction to the proposal section of the report in that the application related to the end 2 units of a block of 6 and not 3 as stated in the report. In addition, the number of proposed employees had increased from 45 to 64, this being 32 full time and 32 part-time employees based on advice from equipment manufacturers.


The Committee was informed that since despatch of the agenda, the applicants had submitted a detailed letter in support of their application and providing a response to the officer’s appraisal. A copy of the letter was attached to the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


In outlining the application, the Head of Planning advised that Officers had recommended that the application be refused on the basis that it would result in the loss of important industrial floorspace at this location.


He advised that although the building had been vacant for 18 months, it was considered that if there was an injection of funding along the lines of that proposed for the Trampoline Centre, it was possible that the building would be more attractive to be marketed for industrial use.


He further advised that the applicants had stated that they had given consideration to other possible sites but that town centre sites did not provide the height needed for the proposed use.


With the agreement of the Committee, Councillor Kemp addressed the Committee as Ward Councillor and spoke in support of the application on the following grounds:


·         This building has been vacant for 18 months and no-one has been  interested in taking on the site.

·         An Ice Rink is located a short distance from the application site and he considered this application would provide a similar leisure use on the Business Park.

·         The proposal to site a trampoline centre at this location had received widespread support from local schools and autistic and fostering organisations.

·         Only 15 jobs had been provided at this location in recent times but the proposal would create in the region of 60 jobs and would also provide work for local tradesmen.

·         The site is close to bus stops, retail outlets and has sufficient car parking provision for users of the facility.

·         The application is generally acceptable to local residents.

·         The Council should provide support for sustainable economic growth and this application would bring back into use a vacant site for a vibrant fitness/sport use.


The Committee discussed the application having regard to thereasons why the application had been recommended for refusal as outlined by the Head of Planning and the points raised by the Ward Councillor.


The Committee noted that Officers had discussed with the applicants the possible use of other sites and noted that the applicants had submitted a schedule setting out sequential assessments for various sites in Medway and the reasons why sites considered were not suitable for their requirements to operate a trampoline centre. This was appended to the supplementary agenda advice sheet.


In considering this application, it was noted that if the Committee was minded to approve the application, it would be necessary for conditions to be imposed relating to external changes to the building and to ensure that parking does not impinge on other users of the Business Park.




The application be approved in principle and be resubmitted for consideration of appropriate conditions to the next meeting of the Committee.

Supporting documents: