Agenda item

Street Licensing - Placing Objects on the Highway

This report sets out proposals for an all inclusive policy for dealing with shop front displays, tables and chairs and A-boards on the highway to ensure parity amongst traders and the public.




The Integrated Transport Manager presented a report setting out proposals for an all inclusive policy for dealing with shop front displays, tables and chairs and A boards on the highway to ensure parity amongst traders and the public.


This issue had been considered by Cabinet at its meeting in November 2015, following which a draft policy had been the subject of consultation, a copy of which was appended to the report.


The Committee was advised that it was intended that Cabinet would consider and adopt the policy in full at its meeting in March and then a 12 month trial would be implemented in Chatham Town Centre from June 2016. At the conclusion of the 12 month trial, a review would take place and would inform a final policy document that would be implemented throughout Medway.


The Committee discussed the report noting that the proposed policy had been the subject of consultation from which 115 responses had been received, of which the majority had been in favour of the introduction of the policy, including responses from disabled individuals, the Guide Dogs for the Blind and the Chatham Town Centre Forum.


A Member drew attention to an issue with a trader blocking the pavement in Strood South Ward and the Assistant Director Front Line Services advised that this would not be covered by the current proposed policy which was intended to be introduced as a pilot in Chatham in the first instance. However, this could be a highway obstruction and he agreed to undertake investigations.  Another Member also drew attention to a similar site in Rochester High Street and the Assistant Director Front Line Services agreed to also investigate this site.


A Member requested that a further report be submitted to the Committee in the Summer of 2017 providing an update after the 12 month trial.


It was noted that the trial period would also enable officers to assess the effect that the policy would have upon events days held in other areas of Medway, should the policy be rolled out across Medway at a future date.


A Member suggested the following:


·         When the policy is in place, officers walk down Chatham High Street and take enforcement action for each non complying shop keeper.

·         The policy include wording to state that should approval be granted for a shop front display, tables and chairs and/or A boards, this does not give permitted rights to have future automatic approvals

·         The wording of 2 (c) (i), 3 (b) (v) and 5 (b) (viii) be clarified so as to be consistent.

·         Consideration be given to the £40 enforcement fee being an escalating scale for repeat offenders.




The Committee:


a)            noted the policy document intended to cover the whole of Medway and the proposed pilot for Chatham Town Centre scheduled to begin in June 2016 pending approval by Cabinet and Full Council and made the following suggested changes to the policy document:


-       The policy include wording to state that should approval be granted for a shop front display, tables and chairs and/or A boards, this does not give permitted rights to have future automatic approvals

-       The wording of 2 (c) (i), 3 (b) (v) and 5 (b) (viii) be clarified so as to be consistent.

-       consideration be given to the £40 enforcement fee being an escalating scale for repeat offenders.


b)            requested that a further report be submitted to this Committee in the Summer of 2017 on the outcome of the pilot scheme;

c)            noted that the Assistant Director Front Line Services will investigate those sites identified by Members in Strood South and Rochester High Street to assess whether their displays are causing an obstruction to the highway.

d)            noted the suggestion that when the policy is in place, officers walk down Chatham High Street and take enforcement action for each non complying shop keeper.

Supporting documents: