Agenda item

Attendance of the Portfolio Holder for Inward Investment, Strategic Regeneration and Partnerships

This report sets out progress made within the areas covered by the Portfolio Holder for Inward Investment, Strategic Regeneration and Partnerships which fall within the remit of this Committee.




Members received an overview of progress on the areas within the terms of reference of this Committee and covered by the Portfolio Holder for Inward Investment, Strategic Regeneration and Partnerships as set out below:


·         Heritage Champion

·         Inward Investment

·         Medway Ambassador

·         Strategic Partnerships

·         Strategic Regeneration and Planning.


The Portfolio Holder for Inward Investment, Strategic Regeneration and Partnerships responded to Members’ questions and comments as follows:


·         External funding – Members referred to the successful bids for external funding listed in paragraph 3.8 of the report and the bids submitted but awaiting outcomes listed in paragraph 3.9 and requested further information on the utilisation of funding received from the following:


-       Social Housing Mobility Fund

-       Domestic Abuse Fund

-       Building Better Opportunities.


The Portfolio Holder explained that if successful, the bid for funding for Building Better Opportunities would provide services which would create savings to statutory services as a result of preventative investment. He explained that an External Funding Group had been established to co-ordinate the development of funding bids and to ensure that they were aligned to Council priorities. Unfortunately, he was unable to provide full information on each of the funding bids as not all of them fell within his portfolio. The Assistant Director for Housing and Regeneration offered to respond to Members direct, and provide further information on the three funding bids identified.


·         The Big Screen at the Brook in Chatham – A Member asked the Portfolio Holder whether he considered The Big Screen had been successful. In response, the Portfolio Holder stated that he did consider that this attraction had been successful as several national live broadcasts had been shown on the screen in the Summer and these had proved popular. Officers confirmed that members of staff from both the Regeneration and Events Teams had attended Big Screen events and had provided feedback that events had been well attended.


·           Tour of UTC site – A Member noted that Medway Ambassadors had participated in a tour of the UTC site and requested whether arrangements could be made for Members to visit. The Portfolio Holder supported this request.


·           Medway Place Making Strategy – A Member referred to the £10,000 funding received from the Coastal Community Team Fund and asked when bids would be submitted for the Coastal Revival Fund and how this would help vulnerable communities. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the £10,000 topped up a previous award and he outlined previous funding received for works at Rochester Riverside. Whilst it had not been possible to reach an agreement with Network Rail on the level of rents to be charged for use of the Railway Arches, that funding would now be used for development at Watermill Wharf in Strood.


·           Rochester Riverside – A Member referred to the proposed development of Rochester Riverside and requested what proposals were in place to ensure that the road network could cope with the additional traffic that would be generated from the development. In response, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that the works that had been undertaken in Corporation Street had been carried out pre-empting the developments at Rochester Riverside. He stated that traffic gridlocks were on the Strood side of Rochester Bridge and advised that funding of £9 million was available to address these issues, including enhancements at Strood Railway Station. The Council was also in discussion with the Rochester Bridge Trust on these issues. He added that significant investment had been made at four of the Railway Stations in Medway to promote greater use of public transport.


·           Extension of Broadband across Medway – In response to a request for an update on the roll out of provision of hi-speed broadband across Medway, the Portfolio Holder advised that Kent County Council was leading on a project in conjunction with British Telecom to roll out the provision of broadband across rural communities and that this encompassed rural areas in Medway. Reports had been made to the Rural Liaison Committee updating Parish Councils on progress.


·           Chatham Waterfront River Walk – A Member sought clarification as to the route of the Chatham Waterfront River Walk and the Portfolio Holder advised that the walk began at Gun Wharf and continued to Sun Pier. Stage two of the walk would be complete by the end of April 2016.


·           Local Growth Funding  - In response to a question about Local Growth Funding, the Portfolio Holder explained how the Local Growth Fund worked and confirmed that Medway had secured a significant level of Local Growth Funding through the Local Enterprise Partnership, including funding for works at Four Elms Hill and improvements to the access/egress at Medway City Estate.


The Assistant Director Front Line Services outlined in detail the phased work planned at Four Elms Hill and Medway City Estate.         




The Committee:


a)            thanked the Portfolio Holder for attending the meeting and answering questions;

b)            requested officers to arrange a visit for Members to the UTC;

c)            noted that officers will provide further information to Members on the following funds:

-       Social Housing Mobility Fund

-       Domestic Abuse Fund

-       Building Better Opportunities

d)            requested that future reports provide a greater clarity to the Portfolio Holder’s responsibilities as they relate to this Committee.

Supporting documents: