This report sets out progress made within the areas covered by the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Services which fall within the remit of this Committee.
Members received an overview of progress on the areas within the terms of reference of this Committee and covered by the Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Services as set out below:
· Events and festivals
· Greenspaces
· Heritage
· Leisure Services
· Libraries and Community Hubs
· Sporting Legacy
· Theatres and Arts
· Tourism.
The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Corporate Services responded to Members’ questions and comments as follows:
· The Pump House in Chatham Dockyard - A Member sought information as to whether there were future plans for the Pump House in Chatham Dockyard. In response, the Portfolio Holder advised that this was currently being converted into a distillery.
· The Medway Mile – A Member commended this annual event and expressed disappointment that the 2015 Medway Mile had been cancelled. The Portfolio Holder commented that it had been unfortunate that the event had been cancelled as a result of inclement weather in 2015 but confirmed that subject to weather conditions, the event would take place in 2016.
· Dickensian Christmas Festival
- Coach parking – In response to a question as to the number of coaches visiting Medway for the Dickensian Christmas Festival and whether sufficient coach parking was available, the Portfolio Holder advised that of the 290 coaches visiting Medway during the festival, 202 had pre-booked parking spaces. However, he reassured Members that sufficient parking facilities were available for coaches.
- Festival Programme – A Member commented upon the Festival programme distributed during the Festival and asked the Portfolio Holder if this had been successful in informing visitors of the attractions available. In response, the Portfolio Holder advised that in 2015 there had been a greater emphasis on digital advertising and this had proved successful by the record number of visitors attending the Festival. However, in addition to digital advertising, a four page programme had been available during the Festival providing visitors with the times and locations of activities. These programmes had been handed out by stewards and were available at the Visitor Information Centre.
· Libraries and Community Hubs – A Member referred to the increased number of visitors to the Community Hub in Strood since the building had opened at its new location in March 2015 and sought a breakdown of the services accessed at this Hub and others in Medway. He also asked if it was possible to quantify staff savings achieved and lessons learnt. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that a breakdown of services accessed could be supplied to the Member direct. In respect of staff savings he advised that this exercise had not been about cost savings, and wider efficiency savings had been made through the Better for Less Programme. The Portfolio Holder stressed that the provision of community hubs ensured there was a focal point within neighbourhoods to ensure the accessibility of services, providing facilities for local people to access services digitally. Referring to the Strood Community Hub, the Portfolio Holder advised that the increase in visitors to the Hub had also resulted in an increase in visitors accessing the library facilities which were incorporated within the Hub.
· Culture, Design and Tourism Awards - The Portfolio Holder thanked a Member for her congratulations on the success of the Culture, Design and Tourism Awards.
· International Women’s Day – 8 March 2016 – A Member highlighted an event on International Women’s Day where there would be an opportunity to meet Olympians. The Portfolio Holder advised that he was supportive of all events that encouraged individuals to take part in sport.
· Strand Leisure Park and works to Commodore’s Hard – A Member referred to improvements which were continuing to make the Strand Leisure Park more welcoming to visitors and asked whether such improvements would include works to Commodore’s Hard. In response, the Portfolio Holder advised that he was fully aware of the issues at Commodore’s Hard, but stressed that the works required were expensive and the budget funding was not currently available for these to be undertaken.
· FUSE Festival – In response to a comment that reference to the FUSE Festival had been omitted from the Committee report, the Portfolio Holder advised that it was not possible to mention all events within the report. However, referring to the FUSE festival he advised that this particular Festival marked a change in the way that Festivals were being organised in Medway. Whereas in the past the Council had organised the full Festival programme, the Cultural Partnership was seeking to ensure that events were now more community centred. He advised that the Arts Council had taken on responsibility for the delivery of FUSE and therefore the event would continue, but responsibility for the event lie elsewhere.
A Member sought an assurance that the FUSE Festival would continue and asked if any other festivals would be receiving external financial support. In response, the Portfolio Holder stated that he could not guarantee the future of any festival as this would depend upon the available budget each year. However, he was fully supportive of the extensive festival programme provided in Medway, and the valuable benefits of tourism that the festivals generated.
He advised that there was currently no direct financial support for other festivals but this was being investigated and a number of options were available.
· Satisfaction levels with greenspaces – A Member congratulated the Portfolio Holder on the retention of Green Flag Awards for seven greenspace sites in Medway but referred to the decrease in the satisfaction levels with greenspaces in Medway and asked the Portfolio Holder whether any action was planned to improve this. In response, the Portfolio Holder advised that the target levels relating to satisfaction levels were set very high and stated that the differences in the target and the levels achieved were only slight and could change daily. He reassured the Committee that the satisfaction levels were high when compared to those in surrounding local authorities.
· Closure of Capstone Farm and Riverside Country Parks over the Christmas Holiday period – A Member referred to the closure of the Capstone Farm and Riverside Country Parks over the Christmas period and suggested that consideration be given to opening the toilet facilities at these parks on Boxing Day in future years. In response, the Portfolio Holder advised that whilst this could be considered, the toilet facilities could not be open if they were not staffed as this would leave them at risk of vandalism.
· Coach drop off and pick up points in Rochester - A Member sought clarification as to whether there were plans to provide a drop off and pick up point for coaches in Rochester during large events so as to avoid congestion on Corporation Street and sought information as to where coaches would park when the former Civic Centre site was developed. In response, the Portfolio Holder provided an assurance that there were plans to provide a new coach park which would result from the redevelopment of land at the rear of Gas House Lane and such plans looked beyond the development of the former Civic Centre site. Referring to the drop off and pick up point in Rochester, the Portfolio Holder considered that this was very efficiently operated at the rear of the Visitor Information Centre.
· Rochester Railway Station
- Lack of staffing of the ticket office and provision of a closed-in waiting room - In response to a Member’s concern regarding lack of staffing of the ticket office and the lack of provision of a closed in waiting room at the new Rochester Railway Station, the Portfolio Holder advised that the Council did not have control over the operation of the Station and whilst it was possible to take these issues up with Network Rail and Southeastern, with regard to waiting rooms, he believed that the current trend was for the provision of partially closed off waiting areas rather than fully closed areas so Network Rail may not be willing to consider changing the facilities.
- Provision of pedestrian crossing facility outside the station - A Member suggested that consideration be given to the provision of a pedestrian crossing close to the entrance/exit of the new Railway Station to enable pedestrians to cross Corporation Street. In response, the Portfolio Holder advised that he was aware that the existing pedestrian crossing was located away from the station entrance/exit and he would be discussing this with the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture to assess possible options.
· Provision of wi-fi in libraries and community hubs – A Member sought an assurance that the provision of wi-fi in libraries and community hubs would be available free of charge. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that this was the case.
· Transfer of the Greenspaces Client Team to Medway NORSE - A Member questioned whether the transfer would result in loss of staff. In response, the Portfolio Holder stated that he was not aware of any staff losses but that once the service had transferred, NORSE would assess the service to ensure it is delivering efficiently. The Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture confirmed that under these arrangements all the existing staff would transfer.
· Ensuring that Council run events reach all sectors of the community - A Member referred to the success in obtaining funding from Sport England’s Community Sport Activation Fund for the development of a programme over a three year period to bring multi-sport sessions to a range of new park and open space settings in some of Medway’s more deprived areas and asked if there was an equivalent fund for cultural activities. In response, the Portfolio Holder provided an assurance that the Council considered a diversity analysis for all events and as far as he was aware no-one was being disadvantaged. He advised that event stewards were available to help all visitors including those who had disabilities. He also drew attention to a number of events with an emphasis on diversity e.g. Events celebrating Chinese New Year.
· Expansion of cultural activities in Gillingham and Rainham - A Member referred to the number of events that were centred in or around Rochester and asked whether there were proposals to increase the number of cultural activities held in Gillingham and Rainham. The Portfolio Holder advised that the Council supported and encouraged a wide range of cultural activities across the whole of Medway.
The Portfolio Holder reminded the Committee that the Will Adams Festival was held in Gillingham each year and the English Festival at Riverside Country Park. In addition, the Sweeps Festival, although held in Rochester, attracted participants Country-wide.
· Plans for the Guildhall Museum – In response to a request for information as to the future plans for the Guildhall, the Portfolio Holder advised that the Friends of the Guildhall Museum was now firmly established and had secured funding to assist with the Museum’s façade. Further extensive works were planned to increase the area at the rear of the Museum and glazing at the front, and funding bids were being progressed. He confirmed that visitor numbers at the Museum continued to rise and the Museum played an important role in portraying the story of Medway.
· Eastgate House – In response to a request for information on progress with the restoration of Eastgate House, the Portfolio Holder advised that whilst it was regrettable that the main contractor had gone into administration in 2015, a new contractor had been appointed and was on site. It was hoped that works would be completed by Summer 2017.
· Broomhill Park Greenspace – A Member sought clarification as to whether local developments would have an adverse effect upon the award of a Green Flag to Broomhill Park. The Portfolio Holder stated that developments close to the park would not have an effect upon the Park when assessed for a Green Flag, owing to the judging criteria used for Green Flag status.
· Identifiable gaps in service provision - A Member asked whether the Portfolio Holder could identify any gaps in service provision within his portfolio. In response, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that he was always wanting service improvements, but these were required to be considered against budgetary resources. One major development involved the move towards digitalisation which appealed to young people.
· Future plans for The Brook Theatre – A Member sought information on plans for the future of The Brook Theatre. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that works had been undertaken on the outer façade of The Brook Theatre, funded from the Local Growth Fund. He confirmed that this facility made a valuable contribution to the centre of Chatham as it housed a wide range of creative groups. He stated that there was a need to undertake works to the interior of the building and that this would be the subject of a future bid for funding, supported by the various creative groups that use the building.
· 23 Submarines – A Member sought information on the 23 submarines project. The Portfolio Holder advised that it was considered that there were up to 23 individual submarines hidden in the estuary, each having their own story. A study was therefore currently being undertaken on this topic and an event planned for a future date.
· Battle of Medway – A Member asked for information on planned events to commemorate the Battle of Medway in 2017. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that this would be a national event and a number of possible attractions were currently being considered to mark this historic occasion. Possible events included a Royal visit and a visit from a Dutch Ship. It was intended that there would be a week of events with a thanksgiving service at Rochester Cathedral and a number of cultural partners would be actively involved.
The Committee thanked Councillor Doe for attending the meeting and answering Members’ questions and it was noted that Councillor Doe had offered to consider the possibility of opening the toilet facilities at Capstone Farm Country Park and Riverside Country Park on Boxing Day.
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