Agenda item

Attendance of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services

This report sets out progress made within the areas covered by the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services which fall within the remit of this Committee. 




Members received an overview of progress on the area within the terms of reference of this Committee and covered by the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services as set out below:


·         CCTV

·         Community Safety Partnership

·         Travellers


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services responded to Member’s questions and comments as follows:


·         Telecare and healthcare (Technology Enabled Care Services)  - In response to a query as to whether individuals who had Telehealthcare could utilise the service from another destination other than their usual place of residence, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that the service was transferable provided the individual concerned could use a telephone plug socket and advised the Central Service of the alternative telephone number. He also advised that there was an aim for the service to be based around use of SIM cards and that this would be introduced over the next 18 months enabling greater flexibility.


In response to a query as to whether Telecare/Telehealthcare would be available for those living in Sheltered Housing Schemes, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that they were currently available but in the future, the Council would be encouraging all housing providers to use these solutions and services.


A Member expressed appreciation on behalf of  a relation who had received assistance from the service and the Portfolio Holder agreed to pass this information back to the staff at the Centre.


·         LGC Award Nominations – In response to a query as to the reason for the LGC Award Nominations referred to in paragraph 2.4 of the report, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that these related to the work of the CCTV Team.


·         Out of Hours – contract opportunities – In response to a question concerning the proactive approach to seeking further out of hours contracts for Telecare/Telehealthcare, the Portfolio Holder advised that on 24 November 2015, Cabinet had agreed to proceed with an Alternate Delivery Model to operate all its services through a commercial vehicle which would become operational from 1 April 2016. A Local Authority Trading Company  (Parent Company) consisting of different subsidiaries would be established to trade various Council services with both the public and private sector. The new model was forecasting an accumulative savings and income of approximately £2 million during its first 5 years of trading (April 2016 – March 2021).


A Member sought an assurance that when the Control Centre is set up as a separate trading company and, the range and complexity of the services expanded, that adequate plans would be in place to ensure that the service was resilient and that staff undergo proper training to be able to deliver the new contracts. In response, the Portfolio Holder reassured the Member concerned that the priority was to maintain and build on existing staff at the CCTV Control Centre. He informed the Committee that he had been advised that all staff were supportive and excited about the expansion plans. He confirmed that there would be a clear structure of governance  and an annual report to the Cabinet on the operation of the Centre. 


·         Public Space Protection Orders – In response to a request for information as to when the consultation exercise referred to in paragraph 12.2 of the report would be carried out, the Portfolio Holder stated that this would be undertaken in early 2016 and then introduced as soon as possible thereafter.


·         CCTV Control Centre – In response to a request from a Member, the Portfolio Holder agreed that a visit to the CCTV Control Centre be arranged for Members in 2016.


·         White Ribbon Campaign – In response to a request for more information on the White Ribbon Campaign, the Portfolio Holder advised that the Campaign aimed to prevent violence against women and promote respectful relationships.


He confirmed that Medway Council had been successful in becoming a White Ribbon Authority and its Action Plan had been endorsed by the Campaign. Medway now had six White Ribbon Ambassadors.


He referred in particular to the fact that key members at Gillingham Football Club were at the first football league club in the country to become White Ribbon Ambassadors.


A Member asked whether there was a similar campaign aimed at preventing violence against men by women. The Portfolio Holder advised that he personally was not aware of such a campaign.


He stressed that the White Ribbon Campaign was a national campaign and he encouraged staff to promote the campaign.




The Committee:


a)            thanked the Portfolio Holder for attending the meeting and answering questions; and

b)            requested Officers to arrange a visit for all Councillors to the CCTV Control Centre in 2016.

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