Agenda item

Housing (Demand, Supply and Affordability) Task Group




This report provided details of the in-depth review into the demand, supply and affordability of housing in Medway. A copy of the Task Group’s report was attached to the report which set out the findings and recommendations of the Task Group together with the comments from the Regeneration, Community and Culture (29 March 2016) and Business Support (14 April) Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


It was noted that the Task Group’s terms of reference had been to review the demand, supply and affordability of housing in Medway in the context of the key social and economic role that housing plays, particularly for those who are struggling to access housing.


The Member Task Group had met with mhs Homes, Hyde Housing Association, Redrow and Berkeley as well as Medway Citizen’s Advice Service and a Kent representative from the National Landlords Association. In addition, there were briefings from officers and desktop research was undertaken.


A Diversity Impact Assessment was included with the report from the Task Group review.


Decision number:



Recognising that the Council, as a regeneration authority, will wish to continue to use its best endeavours to meet its objectively assessed housing needs, the Cabinet agreed to make representations to the Government that the Council should not be penalised as a result of developers failing to deliver housing, particularly where planning permission has been granted.


Given the importance of building enough homes to meet the increasing need for housing, the Cabinet agreed to lobby the Government to introduce measures to encourage developers and land owners to develop sites for housing which have the benefit of planning permission or are allocated for housing development, within the relevant timeframe, in the Development Plan or Neighbourhood Plan.


In relation to sites identified in recommendation 2 above, Cabinet agreed to ask the Government to consider introducing a national scheme for a local tax on undeveloped (land banked) land in order to:

·           incentivise developers and/or landowners not to sit on sites they have acquired and have either planning permission or are allocated for housing development, within the relevant timeframe, in the Development Plan or Neighbourhood Plan, and;


·           to build out more quickly where planning permission has been given.


The Cabinet agreed with its partners to explore the use of more innovative construction methods and forms of housing in order to increase the supply of homes.


The Cabinet noted that the Director of Director of Regeneration, Culture, Environment and Transformation is asked to agree that developers be offered at the pre-application stage, as a matter of course, the opportunity to commission services needed before development on sites can commence, for instance archaeology, ecology and contamination studies in order to allow schemes to start on site without further delay.


The Cabinet agreed to work with partners to identify suitable funding sources and opportunities in order to develop additional homes, including securing external funding to help meet the costs involved in getting sites ready for development.


The Cabinet agreed to ask Council officers to identify opportunities to improve working relationships with developers (including sub contractors) in order to improve the supply of skilled labour to the industry and, further, to identify achievable targets to help alleviate the shortages in the industry, including working with local education, skills and training providers, such as the Medway University Technical College and Mid Kent College.


The Cabinet agreed to review the scope to extend the use of home bonds to help tenants find alternative accommodation and work with the private rented sector to encourage landlords to let properties to residents in housing need and to those in receipt of Housing Benefit.


In order to free up much needed social housing, the Cabinet agreed to review, in relation to its housing stock, the incentives that are available to residents aimed at encouraging them to move into more suitable forms of affordable housing.


The Cabinet noted that the Director of Regeneration, Culture, Environment and Transformation is asked to continue to promote shared ownership products and similar available products that will support home ownership in Medway.


Given that 50% of supply is now concentrated in the eight largest private housebuilders, The Cabinet agreed, with the aim of helping increase the supply and type of housing available, to:

a)     identify and assist with overcoming  the barriers for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) builders entering the market in Medway and

b)     consider what the Council can do to encourage SME builders to enter and remain in the market in Medway.


The Cabinet agreed to ensure that there are appropriate resources in place to ensure that tenants in the private rented sector have sufficient protection with regard to minimum standards of accommodation, repair and good management.


Subject to this being financially viable, the Cabinet agreed to consider the potential of options to generate extra finance, for example prudentially borrowing and use the funds to build and operate housing across all tenures either by working in partnership with a local housing provider or by alternative means.




The Task Group has considered the issues around the demand, supply and

affordability of housing in Medway. This has included evidence from a range of relevant partners and stakeholders. The decisions seek to try and improve the housing situation in Medway and to also raise awareness of the significant and complex issues involved.

Supporting documents: