Agenda item

Update on re-commissioning of short breaks provision for children with disabilities and the local offer

This report provides an overview of the work undertaken in order to move forward on the re-commissioning of short breaks for children with a disability and their parents and carers.




Members received an overview of the work undertaken regarding the re-commissioning of short breaks for children with a disability and their parents and carers which included the consultation and engagement exercises and a timetable for completion of work


Members then raised a number of points and questions including:


·           The practicalities of direct payments – Officers explained that by utilising direct payments it enabled families to have choice and empowered them to achieve bespoke packages of support that were necessary for families with children that have profound and complex needs, for example, providing respite support in the family home.  In addition, the Council would be looking to offer to commission services on behalf of families who did not want direct payments.


·           Support for providers – In response to a question about how providers would be supported with the changes to contractual arrangements under a new framework, officers explained that market events had been and would be held, as well as 1:1 meetings with prospective providers.  Work was also taking place with colleagues in Category Management to ensure the process is robust and transparent whilst simplifying the process as much as practicably possible.  In response to a question about why businesses may have to change their business models, it was explained that within children’s services, the providers had been used to block purchasing which would not be used in the new framework and therefore there would be some adaptations needed.


·           Timetable – In response to a question about officers’ confidence in relation to achieving the proposed timetable, officers explained that the Council had increased capacity on the project and believed there to be an interested market ready to engage and therefore considered the proposed timetable to be realistic.


·           Current use of provision – Concern was raised that, according to a survey undertaken by the Medway Parent and Carer Forum, 77% of people reported that their child rarely or never accessed mainstream provision, even with support.  Officers explained that one issue raised by young people was that they wanted to access facilities with their peers and that services should be more inclusive and accessible.


·           Finance – In relation to a question abut financing and resourcing the new framework, officers explained that officers were having ongoing dialogue with the market to discuss creative ideas as budgets were a challenge and to ensure that provision would be provided in a more cost effective way whilst improving flexibility for families.


·           Improved user access to services – In response to a question relating to the results from the Medway Parent and Carer Forum survey, detailed at paragraph 3.3 of the report, officers explained that the new framework would aim to improve flexibility and options for families and it was therefore envisaged that access by users to services would improve within the next 12 months.  In addition, officers were looking to maintain family engagement by involving them in performance management and monitoring of the operation of short breaks services.


·           Reporting back – an update report on this issue was welcomed by the Committee for 12 months time.




The Committee noted the report.

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