Agenda item

Attendance of the Leader

This report sets out activities and progress on work areas within the Leader’s Portfolio which fall within the remit of this Committee. These are listed each time a Cabinet Member is invited to attend any of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees to be held to account.




Members received an overview of progress on the areas within the terms of reference of this Committee and covered by the Leader as set out below:


·         Inward investment

·         Regeneration

·         Strategic Partnerships


The Leader then responded to Members’ questions and commented as follows:


·         Growth Fund – A Member referred to a recent announcement of positive news in respect of funding.  The Leader explained that the Council had been successful in bidding for £4.4m from the Growth Fund towards infrastructure at the airport.  In respect of a later question about whether the plans for Rochester Airport were more important than repairing roads he stated that the money for road repairs did not come from the Growth Fund but, in his opinion, the work at the airport was very important.


·         River taxis – Following a question as to progress with the development of the use of river taxis, the Leader stated that before anything further could be done the landing points would need to be put in place.  Discussions were continuing with Chatham Maritime Trust for a site adjacent to dockside and plans for a landing adjacent to Upnor Castle were also being considered.


·         Apprentices – In view of the success of the apprenticeship scheme in the past a question was asked as to whether this success could be maintained.  The Leader explained that a further boost of achieving another 100 apprenticeships  in 100 days was being planned for late February/early March.


·         Twydall library – In response to a question about when the work at Twydall library would commence the Leader stated that the scheme had been delayed as there had been enquiries made by  the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government..  Following a second question he stated that he was supportive of progressing  the scheme but could not give any definite information about timescales.  During consideration of this matter the Chief Finance Officer confirmed that HRA funds could only be used to fund  HRA assets and confirmed that general funds were being used to pay for the works in Strood.


·         Lower Thames Crossing – The Leader confirmed, in response to a question, that the Cabinet supported the option C variant which was to have a crossing linking to the A2/M2, down Bluebell Hill to join the M20.  Kent County Council were also in support of the same option.


·         Friends of the Great Lines Heritage Park – Following a question about the need to promote the existence of the Friends of the Great Lines the Leader stated that he had been involved in presenting the organisation with a Green Flag award recently but agreed that it would be helpful to promote the community group through Medway Matters.


·         Land redevelopment at Brompton Academy – Further to a query about the land redevelopment at Brompton Academy the Leader stated that the work was progressing to reinstate the playing field.


·         Victory Pier and Chatham Waters development – discussion took place about the merits of being able to develop the railway line between Chatham Waters and Gillingham station particularly to relieve pressure on traffic when the Northern Link is developed.  The Leader confirmed this was something which could usefully be considered.




(a)  The Leader was thanked for his attendance and response to Member questions and congratulated on obtaining the £4.4m for the Rochester Airport works;

(b)  Officers were asked to investigate the possibility of using the old Dockyard railway line as a transport corridor.

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