Agenda item

Council Plan - 2014/15 Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring

This report summarises the performance of the Council’s key measures of Success for July – September (Quarter 2) 2014/15 as set out in the Council Plan 2013/15. 




The report summarised the performance of the Council’s Key Measures of Success for July – September (Quarter 2) 2014/15 as set out in the Council Plan 2013 – 15.


Members raised a number of points and questions including:


  • Traffic light modifications - A Member expressed disappointment that it had been necessary to undertake modifications to the traffic lights by the Chatham Waterfront Bus Station and Whiffens Avenue.


  • Satisfaction levels - Concern was expressed as to the way in which the satisfaction levels were regarded insofar as they related to Road Maintenance and Street Cleansing.


  • Road Maintenance - A member requested information as to the cost of road maintenance publicity in the latest edition of Medway Matters.


  • Rochester Airport Planning Application - A Member asked when the Rochester Airport planning application was to be submitted to the Planning Committee and was advised that this would be submitted to Committee on 7 January 2015. It was confirmed that the comments of Tonbridge and Malling District Council were available on the Council’s Website.


  • Journey times across Medway - A Member expressed concern as to the satisfaction levels as they related to average journey times across Medway and questioned how this information had been obtained. The Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture advised that this information had been obtained through use of automatic number plate recognition of vehicles undertaking a specified journey between 8am – 9am. He confirmed that the target time was 4 minutes and the majority of vehicles had completed the specified journey in 2 minutes 15 seconds. However, it was recognised that there were some areas of road network that required attention, in particular the Medway City Estate and Four Elms Hill roundabout. He confirmed that the Council had received £28 million from the Local Enterprise Partnership to tackle congestion and this funding would be available from 1 April 2015. Work had been already undertaken by a Member’s Working Group on identifying potential areas to benefit from this funding and the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture agreed to circulate a briefing note setting out the areas identified for potential works. 


Furthermore, the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture advised that the CCTV Control Room monitored traffic movement across Medway and should there be a build up of traffic, it was possible for traffic signals to be activated to help alleviate the problems.


A Member referred to the traffic lights at St Mary’s Island and the previous request that they be turned off at night and he requested that the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture provide information as to when this would be introduced.


  • Recycling – It was suggested that when people move into Medway and are sent Council Tax information, they also be sent information on the Council’s recycling scheme.




The Quarter 2 2014/15 performance against key measures of success used to monitor progress against the Council Plan 2013/15 be noted and it be agreed that Officers undertake the following:


a)                 Ensure that when new residents move into Medway, in addition to receiving information on Council Tax, they also be provided with information on the Council’s recycling scheme.

b)                 A briefing note be circulated providing information as to the areas of road network identified by the Member’s Working Group to benefit from funding to alleviate congestion.

c)                  The Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture inform Councillor Mackness when the traffic lights at St Mary’s Island roundabout will be turned off at night.

d)                 Information be supplied to Councillor Osborne as to the cost of the publicity for road maintenance in the latest issue of Medway Matters.

e)                 It be noted that the Rochester Airport planning application is due for submission to the Planning Committee on 7 January 2015.

Supporting documents: