Agenda item

Mrs Mew, on behalf of Michael Mew of Rochester, asked the Chairman of the Planning Committee, Councillor Mrs Diane Chambers, the following:


“MedwayCouncilplanninghave beennotifiedthattheir decisionnot to requirean Environmental ImpactAssessment (MC/14/2159)for proposedchanges at Rochester Airport hasbeenraisedwith theSecretaryofState on2 September witha decision pending.


Canyou pleaseconfirmthattheRochester Airport planningapplicationMC/14/2914 willbesuspendeduntiltheSecretaryofStatehasmadea ruling?”


Councillor Mrs Diane Chambers stated that Medway Council had not received any notification from the Secretary of State or the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) regarding its decision not to require an Environmental Impact Assessment to be submitted with the planning application for Rochester Airport. 


She stated that as a valid planning application had been received it was important that the application was formally consulted upon and determined in the usual way. If an application was not determined within a 13 week period the applicant had a right to appeal against non determination, and therefore in the absence of any notification from either CLG or the Secretary of State it was necessary that Medway Council, as Local Planning Authority, consult upon the application in accordance with its normal procedures and practices.


Mrs Mew, on behalf of Mr Mew, stated that Medway Council, in not requiring a formal impact assessment for the airport proposal, was neglectful in its duty to protect the community and also acting unlawfully as an Environmental Impact Assessment could not be inferred.


Mrs Mew stated that in referring the matter to Medway Council’s legal department and not providing a reason, the Head of Planning had demonstrated by omission that the House of Lords’ ruling was never considered in the case officer’s determination. If the determination for MC14/2159 was found unlawful or unsafe for whatever reason, would Medway Council suspend MC14/2914 planning application? Mrs Mew requested a simple yes or no answer.


Councillor Mrs Diane Chambers stated that it was not possible to answer this question with a yes or no answer, and that the bottom line was that the Council had not been notified by either the CLG or the Secretary of State that such an application had been made.