Agenda item

Councillor Hubbard asked the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services, Councillor Filmer, the following:

At the 21 August meeting of the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee I raised with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services the serious concerns I had about the proposed programme of highway works at Darnley Arch, Strood. I requested that the work be delayed and that the works be carried out overnight.  After the meeting those requests were politely considered and then dismissed. The works at Darnley Arch started on 1 September, as did my prediction of traffic chaos and the resultant downturn in business activity for Strood Traders. This prediction was based on the knowledge of the week long closure of the Arch back in 2012.


Following the fiasco of the recent Darnley Arch (Strood) highways works it is now clear that there is an urgent need to establish a robust protocol for the communication/engagement with Ward Councillors and shadow portfolio holders on proposed programmes for major transport projects. Ward Councillors should be defined as Members, irrespective of political group, from those Wards directly affected by the proposed project, not just the Ward where the project is located.  The issuing of the Medway weekly major roadwork list is simply not fit for purpose. Will the Portfolio Holder pursue this?


“At the 21 August meeting of the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee I raised with the Portfolio Holder for Front Line Services the serious concerns I had about the proposed programme of highway works at Darnley Arch, Strood. I requested that the work be delayed and that the works be carried out overnight.  After the meeting those requests were politely considered and then dismissed. The works at Darnley Arch started on 1 September, as did my prediction of traffic chaos and the resultant downturn in business activity for Strood Traders. This prediction was based on the knowledge of the week long closure of the Arch back in 2012.


Following the fiasco of the recent Darnley Arch (Strood) highways works it is now clear that there is an urgent need to establish a robust protocol for the communication/engagement with Ward Councillors and shadow portfolio holders on proposed programmes for major transport projects. Ward Councillors should be defined as Members, irrespective of political group, from those Wards directly affected by the proposed project, not just the Ward where the project is located.  The issuing of the Medway weekly major roadwork list is simply not fit for purpose. Will the Portfolio Holder pursue this?”


Councillor Filmer stated that in the run up to the commencement of the Darnley Road scheme there were a number of email briefings sent to all Strood South Ward Members.  The briefing for Strood North Members was not as complete as he would have liked and the Assistant Director for Frontline Services had apologised for this at the most recent Overview and Scrutiny Committee as it was recognised as an oversight.


He stated that it had been agreed to provide a written update shared via the Spokespersons for political groups within Medway Council.  The intention was to share information with affected Ward Councillors regardless of where the scheme was located.


The issuing of the weekly roadwork list was intended as a signal that works were to be carried out but it did not go into great detail. Councillor Filmer referred to Councillor Griffiths’s earlier comments (Overview and Scrutiny activity report) about apologising to the people of Strood, and Councillor Filmer stated that he was quite happy to apologise to local residents on the basis that this work could not have been undertaken when previous works were being undertaken by Network Rail (as the original intention was do all of the works at that time).


Councillor Hubbard asked whether Councillor Filmer agreed with him that the result was a cosmetic makeover of the original road and pavement layout with just one new aspect, namely the new pedestrian crossing on Darnley Road. Councillor Hubbard also asked whether Councillor Filmer felt confident that he could fully explain to the residents and traders of Strood who suffered during the works the benefits of the near identical highway layout?


Councillor Filmer stated that there had been a lighting upgrade and there was a new pedestrian crossing which would be safer for pedestrians. He referred to the limitations of the site given the location of the bridge and railway line, as well as optic fibre cables running through the site.


He stated that there was an outstanding team working in Highways and the Integrated Transport Team. He stated that the National Highways and Transport (NHT) Conference had been held earlier in the week and the Council had won an outstanding performance award for improvement in a range of services as well as finishing in second place for efficient use of resources on road maintenance.


He stated that he was confident that the team had done their best under the circumstances.