Agenda item

Council Plan - 2014/15 Q1 Performance Monitoring

This report summarised the performance of the Council’s Key Measures of Success for April – June (Quarter 1) 2014/15 as set out in the Council Plan 2013-15. 



The report summarised the performance of the Council’s Key Measures of Success for April to June (Quarter 1) 2014/15 as set out in the Council Plan 2013-15.

A Supplementary Report (Appendix 2 to the report) was tabled at the meeting and set out details of the Quarter 1 2014/15 performance discussions that had taken place at recent meetings of the three other Overview and Scrutiny Committees.

Members raised a number of points and questions including:

Homelessness – Reference was made to rising levels of homelessness and the cost to the General Fund. Members asked for clarity about the actual costs involved and were referred by the Chief Finance Officer to the item later on the agenda on Revenue Budget Monitoring 2014/15 – Round 1 which highlighted (on page 131) that an overspend of £585,000 was being forecast by Housing Solutions due to higher than average costs of temporary accommodation.

 It was suggested that officers should revisit the findings of the 2009 Task Group on Support for People in Temporary Accommodation which had, visited Southampton where an early intervention initiative, involving a dedicated assessment centre, had driven down costs associated with homelessness by 25%.  The view was expressed that a similar dedicated unit in Medway could achieve similar results and send important messages about the Council’s homelessness policies.

The Chairman reminded members that a briefing note had been requested by the Committee on the migration of homeless people into Medway and the support provided for street homeless, including contact details for lead officers. It was expected this briefing note would be issued towards the end of November after completion of a street homeless survey on 11 November. The Committee asked that this note should include an update on the homelessness assessment centre in Southampton, which it was believed might have now closed. The Assistant Director Housing and Regeneration offered to also include the outcome of research undertaken in the context of future year projections on homelessness which demonstrated that Medway compares well in relation to the rest of Kent.

Members raised concerns about a proposal in the Revenue Budget Monitoring report to reduce Homelessness Prevention expenditure by £200,000. The report (on page 131 of the agenda) highlighted that this management action may increase the risk of homelessness. Members asked for the rationale for this action in the context of rising levels of homelessness and the Council Plan target to reduce the number of people living in temporary accommodation. . The Assistant Director Housing and Regeneration advised that there was a proposal in the Medium Term Financial Plan to increase the budget to deal with temporary accommodation. The prevention budget was more difficult to spend. As an example he referred to the use of this budget to pay deposits to enable tenants to access properties. However, this was becoming increasingly difficult as many private sector landlords were unwilling to accept tenants who had been homeless. The Assistant Director Housing and Regeneration agreed to provide further clarification on the likely impact of a reduction in Homelessness Prevention expenditure on levels of homelessness.

Members also asked to what extent the cessation of Housing Benefit adds to the homelessness register. The Chairman stated that the Welfare Reform Task Group had considered this and asked Democratic Services to circulate the relevant extract from the Task Group report.


(a)               The Committee noted quarter 1 2014/15 performance against the Key Measures of Success used to monitor progress against the Council Plan 2013 – 2015.

(b)       That the Briefing Note previously requested by the Committee on migration of homeless people into Medway and support for the street homeless should include an update on the homelessness assessment centre in Southampton, which it was believed may have now closed and the outcome of research undertaken in the context of future year projections on homelessness which demonstrated that Medway compares well in relation to the rest of Kent.

(c)        That a Briefing Note be provided to the Committee on the likely impact of a proposed reduction in Homelessness Prevention expenditure on levels of homelessness.

(d)               That the relevant extract from the Welfare Reform Task Group on the impact of Housing Benefit cessation on the homeless register be circulated to Committee members.

Supporting documents: