Agenda item


This report advises the Committee of the petitions presented at Council meetings, received by the council or sent via the e-petition facility, including a summary of officer’s response to the petitioners.




The Committee received a report setting out petitions received and a summary of officers’ responses to petitioners.


The Committee noted that the lead petitioner for the petition relating to flooding in the Rochester High Street, presented at Council on 24 April 2014 by Councillor Murray, had originally requested that the matter be referred to this Committee, but had agreed that this be deferred pending works due to be undertaken in the area of Star Hill/Rochester High Street. These works had been carried out during 5/6 July 2014. The lead petitioner had since confirmed that the works appear to have resolved the problem and therefore he no longer wished this matter to be referred to the Committee.


In accordance with the Council’s petitions scheme, Mrs Baker (lead petitioner) for the ‘Improved Bus Services for Lower Rainham’ petition had asked for the petition to be referred to this Committee.


The Chairman invited Mrs Baker to address the Committee and drew attention to the information tabled, providing a summary of residents’ concerns.


Mrs Baker explained that for many elderly residents, bus services were a lifeline and, whilst residents were grateful for the offer of the 121 bus to serve Rainham North on a Saturday, it was noted that this was only a tentative suggestion and was subject to consultation with the Ward Councillors for Watling Ward.


Mrs Baker requested that further consideration be given to extending the 121 service on Mondays – Fridays on the Berengrave loop and that the proposed extension to the 130 service also be applied to the 131 service. It was pointed out that in Twydall the services were identical but that the 131 from Medway Hospital covered Rainham North with only 2 services a day. It was pointed out that whilst this proposed extension appeared to be only a short distance by bus, it was a long distance to walk for those in need of medical support and for elderly people.


With the agreement of the Committee, both Councillors Hewett and Purdy spoke on this item as Ward Councillors for Wards affected by the bus route proposals.


Councillor Hewett addressed the Committee in support of the residents’ requests for further changes to be made to bus services to serve residents in Rainham North and urged the Council to subsidise the 121 service to go round the Berengrave loop and for the 131 to be extended to turn around at Beechings Way/Yokosuka Way (near Will Adams Treatment Centre).


Councillor Purdy confirmed her support for the proposed changes to the 121 service to serve Rainham North on Saturdays.


The Integrated Transport Manager drew attention to the schedule circulated at the meeting which set out the existing services, the proposals set out in the petition, the Council’s response following negotiations with various bus companies, the petitioners’ latest response and officer comments.


He confirmed that the provision of bus services was not a statutory service and that Medway Council currently invested significant funds on the provision of bus services.


Referring to the 121 service, it was confirmed that this service would be extended to cover Rainham North on Saturdays at a cost of £5,100. This would provide a consistent service operating Monday – Saturday.


Referring to the possible extension of the length of the 121 service on Mondays to Fridays, officers continued to have reservations as to this proposal, as did the bus operator as this extension would add a further 5 minutes onto the journey time and therefore make the service less attractive. In addition, there could be additional costs involved which had not been determined.


Referring to the possible extension of the 131 to the Will Adams Treatment Centre, the bus operator was currently to review this service in 2015and could take this request into account as part of this review. However, as this service only operated twice a day, it was not considered that it would be useful for outpatient visits.


He also advised that the 327 service could be re-routed to provide a consistent Monday – Saturday service running every 2 hours through the day.


The Committee discussed the work undertaken to date and acknowledged that officers were continuing to liaise with bus operators on various options for improving the bus service provision in Rainham.




a)                 The Committee note the petition response and appropriate officer action set out in paragraph 3 of the report and action taken to resolve the issues relating to the petition referred to at paragraph 4.2 of the report.

b)                 The Committee’s thanks be extended to Mrs Baker and the other petitioners for attending the meeting and the Committee acknowledge the work that the petitioners have put into their petition and the work undertaken by officers to date; and

c)                  Officers be requested to continue to negotiate with the bus providers on the various requests made by the petitioners. 

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