Agenda item

Work Programme

This item advises Members of the current work programme and allows the Committee to adjust it in the light of latest priorities, issues and circumstances. It gives Members the opportunity to shape and direct the Committee’s activities over the year. 




The Democratic Services Officer introduced the report advising the Committee of the current work programme which allowed them to adjust it in light of the latest priorities, issues and circumstances.


The report gave details of the items listed on the Cabinet Forward Plan that fell within the remit of this Committee and Appendix 2 to the report set out the work programmes of the other three Overview and Scrutiny Committees. The Chairman of the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee took this opportunity to update Members on that Committee’s work programme, by reporting the inclusion of a report on the Local Plan Framework on 18 December 2014.


It was noted that at the agenda planning meeting on 7 August 2014 the following changes had been agreed to the Committee’s work programme:

  • Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan – this item was moved to the meeting on 3 February 2015.
  • Communications Shared Service – this item was moved to “date to be determined” on the Work Programme.
  • Six Month Update on Implementation of Procurement Strategy – this was removed from 4 December 2014 and programmed for October 2015 on the anniversary of the creation of the Strategy.


The Democratic Services Officer further advised that dates had been proposed for the Council Plan Review Process, which would include submission to this Committee in February 2015.


It was also noted that following the determination of the Welfare Reform Task Group report, a six month update report would need to be scheduled for February 2015 and then every six months. A further report would be submitted to the October 2014 meeting of the Committee on New Rent Setting Policy April 2015, due to the deferral of two elements earlier in the meeting.


During the consideration of this item, Members raised the relocation of Riverside One and suitability of the new premises and staff training for mental health patients. This had been raised at the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 19 August 2014, during a review of progress made in implementing the Review of Mental Health Services in Medwayrecommendations.The Committee requested that the Assistant Director Legal and Corporate Services consider the provision for mental health service users, as well as the wider engagement of Members in the relocation of Riverside One.



a)     The Committee noted the addition to the Committee’s Work Programme of the Council Plan Review Process, Welfare Reform Review – Six Month Update (as well as the rolling submission of a Welfare Reform Review every six months) and New Rent Setting Policy April 2015;

b)     The Committee agreed the changes to the work programme as set out in paragraph 3.2.1 of the report;

c)      The Committee noted the work programmes of all overview and scrutiny committees (set out in Appendix 2 of the report), including the update to the Regeneration, Community and Culture work programme to include a report on the Local Plan Framework in December 2014;

d)     The Committee requested that the Assistant Director Legal and Corporate Services consider and advise the Committee via a Briefing Note of the framework for ensuring the smooth transition of services at Riverside One - this should include consideration of the provision for mental health service users and the wider engagement of Councillors;

e)     The Committee agreed that future reports on the Committee’s work programme should include the actions that are outstanding from previous meetings.

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