Agenda item

Flood and Water Management Act 2010 - Roles and Responsibilities and the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

This report reiterates recent changes in legislation and introduces the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy required under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. 


Note: The appendices to this report have been produced as a supplementary agenda. 




The Committee received a detailed report setting out changes in legislation and introducing the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy required under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010.


A copy of the Flood Risk Management Strategy had been circulated as a Supplementary Agenda.


The Committee discussed the report and Priscilla Mumby, the Flood Risk Management Officer responded with the following additional information:


  • Confirmation that the Strategy will be a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
  • Whilst she was not an expert on the chemical quality of ground water, this was an issue that could be investigated.
  • The local authority worked closely with the Water Companies and held quarterly meetings with Southern Water and the Environment Agency and both companies would advise of any potential flood risk arising from reduced abstractions.
  • Larger scale maps could be provided and, if any Member considered that items such as historic landfill sites were missing from the maps, they were requested to advise officers.
  • Whilst the Guide to Developer Contributions proposed for adoption to Cabinet on 15 July 2014 and, forming part of this Committee’s agenda did not include reference to flooding, it was intended that flooding would be included within the Guide at a future date.
  • It was noted that reference to the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) required removal from paragraph 7.3.8 of the Strategy.


The Committee discussed the flood risk emergency that had taken place in December 2013 and expressed appreciation to those staff who had worked through the night. It was noted that these staff had recently been awarded a Make a Difference Award in recognition of their work. The Flood Risk Management Officer confirmed that although the response to the emergency had been considered a success, Officers would still be reviewing the emergency procedures put in place for that incident to assess whether any improvements could be made.




The Committee thanked the Flood Risk Management Officer for her report and agreed the following;


a)                 The new responsibilities added to the Employee Delegation Scheme be noted;

b)                 The progress of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy be noted

c)                  The Committee’s appreciation be extended to those staff involved in the recent flood risk which involved work beyond the call of duty.

d)                 It be noted that flood risk will form part of the Guide to Developer Contributions at a future date.

Supporting documents: