Agenda and minutes

Climate Change Member Advisory Group - Wednesday, 4 March 2020 12.30pm

Venue: Civic Suite - Level 2, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham ME4 4TR. View directions

Contact: Vicki Emrit, Climate Change Coordinator 

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies


1.1       The Chair welcomed the group to the meeting.  Apologies received from Cllr Filmer, Lucy Kirk (Environmental Services), Lynette Godwin (Communications), Dave Harris (Planning) and David Tappenden (Transport).


Notes and actions from the last meeting pdf icon PDF 97 KB


2.1       The group agreed that the summary of the meeting was an accurate reflection and agreed the minutes.

2.2       It was noted that a member of Medway Youth Council (MYC) had been invited to attend this and future meetings.  The group agreed a non-voting member of MYC should be invited to formally sit on the board in future as it is felt that their input will be very valuable.  RESOLVED: Democratic Services to formally invite unnamed member of MYC to sit on the board.

2.3       The group discussed the requirement for an anti-idling campaign outside of schools to address air quality and public health concerns.  Public Health highlighted the work that has been done to date to support the KM Green School Awards and the intention to continue to support this initiative.  It was noted that an article promoting Walking Bus routes and a request for volunteers to join the scheme has been placed in Medway Matters.  Members requested confirmation of the number of School Governing Bodies that have included climate change on their agenda and for work to be done with those that have not to encourage this.  RESOLVED: Public Health to provide an update on KM Green School Awards and Transport to provide an update on the number of schools in Medway that currently use a walking bus.  Follow up with SGB’s.

2.7       Members requested a clear strategy for future tree planting.  Members also requested consideration be given to a tree sponsorship scheme for Medway, to be in place by the next planting season (October).  A request was made for different cost entry levels to allow for individual circumstances.  RESOLVED: Greenspaces to develop a tree sponsorship scheme and provide an update at the next meeting.

2.8       The group noted that climate change implications will be included in council reports and guidance provided. 

2.9       Public Health noted that that they would like to see more focus on working with businesses to promote cycling within their workplaces.  Members raised a request for more cycling hubs and reassurance that they will be situated in the most appropriate places.  A further request was made to include bike accessibility within every new Planning scheme.  RESOLVED: Update to be provided at next meeting.


Declarations of Interests by Councillors and officers pdf icon PDF 371 KB

Technically, Councillors are only required to declare interests at meetings of the Council, the Cabinet, or Committees and Sub Committees, Joint Committees or Joint Sub Committees. However, it is best practice to follow the rules on declaring interests at other informal meetings as well. Guidance on this is set out in agenda item 3.


3.1       None



Update on Year One Action Plan pdf icon PDF 405 KB

·         Cabinet Report

·         Draft Outline Action Plan Overview

·         Next Steps

Additional documents:


4.1       The group noted that a Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report and draft outline action plan were presented at Cabinet on 3 March 2020.  The update was well received, and all agreed that it was a good basis for further development.  Members requested sight of more tangible results to show the progress that is being made. The Chair noted that when a full time Climate Change co-ordinator is in post (anticipated to be from 1 April 2020), identifying quick wins and strategic plans will be a priority.   This will include development of a Communications Strategy.

4.2       The group noted that a consultant has been appointed to carry out a carbon baseline assessment and target mapping exercise of Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions from the Council’s own estate and operations.  RESOLVED: Information on the data sets included in the baseline assessment to be shared with the group.

4.3       Members raised the issue of how the council can influence businesses in Medway to adapt Climate Change measures.  All agreed that further work is required to address this.  The Chair noted that the Council will be in a better position to advise once we are further along with assessing our own carbon footprint.


Best Practice


5.1       The group noted that the Kent Environment Strategy Conference has been rescheduled to be held on 2nd June and Members are encouraged to attend.

5.2       The Interim Climate Change Co-ordinator highlighted the work of the Local Government Association which was presented at a recent workshop.  Their services will be useful for long term action planning, setting strategic objectives and in thinking about communicating behaviour change.  The work of the Greening Campaign was also noted, specifically their engagement and behaviour change programme linking individuals with communities and local councils.  Other councils are already working with the group to explore how they can support the campaign.  

5.4       The group were asked to consider what our top three asks of central government should be to support the climate change agenda and net zero carbon targets.  Members requested a joined-up approach to climate change across all policy areas. 

5.5       Members highlighted DEFRA’s 25 year Environment Plan as a useful resource in developing our plans to support bio-diversity and a request to step up our gain on wins.


Comms and Engagement

·         Key Messages

·         Web Page


6.1       The group noted the following work:

·         Developing a climate change strategy, considering audiences and key messages

·         Designing climate change “small changes” branding – sign off and ready to launch by 1st April

·         Designing an infographic of what we have done in Year One

·         Designing signs for wildflower roadside verges – to include messages to inform mowing stopped, wildlife habitats being created, do not leave rubbish

·         Medway Matters article – Q&A with Cllr Doe and Cllr Maple (to land mid-March).  Also includes walking bus article and solar panel scheme advert

·         Next steps – expand on web content

6.2       The Chair asked for the launch of What We’ve Done in Year One to be tied in with various services across the Council.  Members also requested inclusion of links to national organisations on our web page.


Funding Opportunities


7.1       Officers confirmed that they are currently looking at submitting bids for the All Electric Bus Town and a SuperBus funding opportunity. 

7.2       A bid has been submitted to BEIS for funding to support a Heat Mapping and Masterplanning study for a heat district network in Medway. 

7.3       Officers are currently developing a bid for the Urban Tree Challenge Fund to increase tree stock in Medway.  50% match funding is required to support the bid.




8.1       None


Date of next meeting

·         17 June 2020, 16:45-18:15

Room 1, Level 3, Gun Wharf, Dock Road


17 June at 16:45hrs