Agenda and minutes

Annual Meeting of Medway Council, Council - Wednesday, 16 May 2012 7.00pm

Venue: St George's Centre, Pembroke Road, Chatham Maritime, Chatham ME4 4UH. View directions

Contact: Julie Keith, Head of Democratic Services 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Chishti and Jarrett. 


Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor for 2012/2013




Councillor Brake proposed and Councillor Kemp supported the nomination of Councillor Hewett to the Office of the Mayor of Medway for the forthcoming municipal year. Councillor Hewett was duly elected.


Councillor Chitty proposed and Councillor Kemp supported the nomination of Councillor Iles to the Office of the Deputy Mayor of Medway for the forthcoming municipal year. Councillor Iles was duly elected.


The newly elected Mayor made the declaration required by law and signed the declaration of acceptance of office. The Mayor also accepted the ceremonial sword and silver oar as symbols of his office as Constable of Rochester Castle and Admiral of the Water of Medway from Sheerness to Hawkwood respectively.


The newly elected Deputy Mayor made the declaration required by law and signed the declaration of acceptance of office.


The Mayor then addressed the Council, following which Councillor Hicks proposed a vote of thanks to the outgoing Mayor supported by Councillor Kemp.


The Mayor then announced that his nominated charities were Medway Citizens Advice Bureau, Medway Schools Sports Partnerships (the Howard School Sports Partnership and Greenacre School Sports Partnership) and the Scouts and Guides Associations across Medway. 


The Mayor presented the outgoing Mayor and Mayoress each with a past mayoral badge and flowers were presented to the retiring Mayoress and the Deputy Mayoress. The outgoing Mayor (Councillor Baker) responded to the vote of thanks.




(a)   That Councillor Hewett be elected to the office of Mayor of Medway for the 2012/13 municipal year.


(b)   That Councillor Iles be elected to the office of Deputy Mayor for the 2012/13 municipal year.


(c)   That a vote of thanks be given to the Outgoing Mayor. 


Appointment of Mayor's Chaplain


The Mayor announced that Reverend Will Grady had accepted an invitation to act as his Chaplain for the forthcoming year.


Declarations of interest


There were none. 


Mayor's announcements


The Mayor informed Members that the remaining business on the agenda would be followed by a short Joint Meeting of Committees.


Executive Responsibilities and Scheme of Delegations pdf icon PDF 103 KB

This report advises the Council of the Members of the Cabinet for 2012/13 as appointed by the Leader of the Council and their portfolios, appointments made by the Leader to outside bodies and the delegation of executive functions to officers agreed by the Leader (which also incorporates the scheme of officer delegations for matters which are not the responsibility of the Cabinet and have to be agreed by the Council).

Additional documents:


This report provided details of the Members of the Cabinet for 2012/13 as appointed by the Leader of the Council, and their portfolios.


Appointments made by the Leader to the Cabinet were tabled at the meeting as Appendix A to the report (Supplementary Agenda No. 2). The report also included details of the delegation of executive functions to officers agreed by the Leader as set out in Appendix B to the report. This also incorporated the scheme of officer delegations for matters which were not the responsibility of the Cabinet and were a matter for Council.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Rodney Chambers, supported by the Portfolio Holder for Adult Services, Councillor Brake, proposed the recommendations as set out in the report.




(a)   The Council noted the details of those appointed by the Leader to serve as Deputy Leader and Members of the Cabinet and the extent of their individual portfolios together with appointment to the Bus Lane Adjudication Service Joint Committee, as set out in Appendix A to the report.


(b)   The Council noted the delegations to officers agreed by the Leader in relation to executive functions and agreed to the delegation of non-executive functions to officers as set out in Appendix B to the report.


Establishment of Committees, Appointments and Schedule of Meetings 2012/2013 pdf icon PDF 61 KB

This report asks the Council to agree the establishment of Committees, the appointment of Members to serve on Committees and other bodies and a programme of meetings for 2012/2013.


The Council is also asked to make recommendations to the Joint Meeting of Committees on 16 May 2012, immediately following the Annual Meeting of the Council, in respect of the appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of committees and the establishment and membership of Sub-Committees and Task Groups.

Additional documents:




This report provided details of the position regarding the overall allocation of seats on committees and set out a number of recommendations regarding the membership of Committees, Joint Committees and other bodies, and the schedule of meetings for 2012/2013.


The report asked Council to make recommendations to the Joint Meeting of All Committees, immediately following the Annual Meeting of the Council, which set out details of the establishment and membership of Sub-Committees and Task Groups.


The report also included details of the designation of the Assistant Director, Legal and Corporate Services, as the Council’s Monitoring Officer. It was reported that Mr Perry Holmes had been appointed to this position.


Appendices A and B had been circulated separately to the main agenda, in Supplementary Agenda No. 1.




(a)   The Council agreed the establishment of committees, their size and the allocation of seats to political groups as set out in paragraph 3.5 of the report together with terms of reference as set out in the Council’s constitution.


(b)   The Council agreed the establishment of an ad hoc committee to consider the removal of Council appointed school governors as and when necessary and to waive political balance in respect of this Committee.


(c)   The Council agreed the membership of each committee as set out in Appendix A to the report, including the appointment of serving Independent Members of the Standards Committee and other voting and non-voting co-optees on Committees as listed.


(d)   The Council agreed the appointments to Joint Committees and other bodies as set out in Appendix B to the report.


(e)   The Council agreed the timetable of meetings for the 2012/13 municipal year as set out in Appendix C to the report.


(f)     The Council agreed that the post of the Assistant Director, Legal and Corporate Services be designated as the Council’s Monitoring Officer.


(g)   The Council recommended to the Joint Meeting of Committees the appointment of Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of Committees, as set out in Appendix A to the report.


(h)   The Council recommended to the Joint Meeting of Committees the establishment of Sub Committees (with terms of reference as set out in the Council’s constitution), task groups, their size and the allocation of seats to political groups as set out in Appendix A to the report.


Vote of Thanks to Staff



At the conclusion of the Annual Meeting there will be a brief Joint Meeting of Committees.




(1)   Election of Chairman

(2)   Declarations of Interest

(3)   To appoint Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen

(4)   To agree the establishment and membership of Sub- Committees and Task Groups (as set out in Appendix A of item 8) on the agenda for the Annual Council meeting).




The Leader of the Council, Councillor Rodney Chambers, supported by the Leader of the Labour Group, Councillor Maple, proposed a vote of thanks to staff.


The Leader acknowledged the difficult financial climate and uncertainties being experienced by the Council’s employees and paid tribute to the work they undertook in support of the community in Medway.


Councillor Maple, in supporting the Leader’s vote of thanks to staff, also paid tribute to the outgoing Leader of the Labour Group, Councillor Paul Godwin, and to Councillor Harriott, who was celebrating his 50th anniversary of being elected as a Councillor.


The Chief Executive responded on behalf of staff.




That a vote of thanks be given to staff.