Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget Monitoring 2012/2013

Meeting: 12/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Revenue Budget Monitoring 2012/2013 pdf icon PDF 95 KB




This report gave details of the forecast outturn for the 2012/2013 financial year based on actual income and expenditure to December 2012 (the end of the third quarter).


It was noted that on 23 February 2012 the Council had set a General Fund net budget requirement of £180.998 million for 2012/2013, with Council Tax frozen at 2010/2011 levels.


This was the third quarterly report and it indicated, after management action, the outturn forecast for 2012/2013 stood at a potential underspend of  £224,000, which compared to a forecast overspend of £961,000 at quarter two.


The Cabinet accepted this report as urgent to enable it to receive and consider the first quarter budget monitoring information at the earliest opportunity.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the result of the third round of revenue monitoring for 2012/2013.


The Cabinet approved the Housing Revenue Account repayment of debt based on a minimum revenue payment of 2% on outstanding debt (as detailed in paragraph 14.3 of the report).



Cabinet has the responsibility to ensure effective budgetary control to contain expenditure within the approved limits set by Council. Where a budget overspend is forecast, Cabinet supported by the corporate management team must identify measures to remove any excess expenditure.