Issue - meetings

Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Meeting: 27/11/2012 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Development of a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Medway pdf icon PDF 509 KB




This report outlined the development of the Medway Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy in line with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.


The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy aimed to improve the health and wellbeing of the population in Medway and was directly informed by the enhanced Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) 2012. The strategy incorporated five strategic themes:


1.      Give every child a good start

2.      Enable our older population to live independently and well

3.      Prevent early death and increase years of healthy life

4.      Improve physical and mental health and wellbeing

5.      Reduce health inequalities


The report explained that consultation on themes and the development of priority actions to deliver on these themes was carried out. This included an online consultation and a stakeholder event. The outcome was reviewed by the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board on 31July 2012 and strategic themes confirmed.  A list of priority actions drawn from the JSNA and the consultation process were considered and scored under each theme using appropriate criteria. One priority action was agreed under each theme as a focus for action for 2013/14.


It was noted that the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board on 11 September 2012 and Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 9 October 2012 had considered the Strategy. Their comments were set out in the report.


Members were advised that the monitoring and outcomes framework was being further developed and officers were working on developing robust delivery plans for the identified priority actions. An all Member Briefing on the new public health role of the Council had also been arranged and meetings were being held to ensure the themes identified in the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy were reflected in all the Council’s work.


A Diversity Impact Assessment screening form was attached as Appendix 6 to the strategy. It was noted that this had it found it was not necessary to undertake a full impact assessment.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the comments of the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee and approved the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Medway.




The strategy sets out the health and wellbeing issues for the community based on evidence from the Medway Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, what can be done to address them and what outcomes are intended to be achieved. The decision also discharges the statutory duty through the Health and Wellbeing Board to prepare and adopt a Health and Wellbeing Strategy.