Issue - meetings

Housing Strategy Annual Monitoring Report

Meeting: 18/12/2012 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Housing Strategy Annual Review pdf icon PDF 207 KB

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This report provided details of the Annual Review of the Housing Strategy. The Strategy aimed to reflect policies and priorities at national, regional and local level. It helped deliver the strategic housing priorities for Medway and set the direction for housing in Medway until 2014. The Strategy was designed around three aims (Bridging the Gap, Early Prevention and Health and Housing) with seven outcomes, as set out in the report.


It was noted that there had been significant progress against the priority actions. A total of 15 actions had been completed and the majority were on target to be delivered by 2014. A detailed report of progress against the Strategy Action Plan was set out.


The Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered this report on 13 December 2012 and its comments were set out in an addendum report.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the progress against the aims of the Housing Strategy.




The Housing Strategy and its Action Plan sets the strategic direction for Housing Services in Medway, contributing to the Council’s core values and strategic priorities and giving context for the attraction and investment of resources.