Issue - meetings

Shewin Knight Infant and Junior Schools - Consultation on Proposed Amalgamation

Meeting: 10/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Amalgamation of Sherwin Knight Infant School with Sherwin Knight Junior School pdf icon PDF 31 KB




This report outlined the proposals for the amalgamation of Sherwin Knight Infant School with Sherwin Knight Junior School by way of statutory prescribed alterations, and requested that the Cabinet approved a period of informal consultation.


The report gave details of the Council’s School Organisation Principles and advised that Sherwin Knight Infant and Junior Schools were federated with a single governing body, but operated under the leadership of separate head teachers. It was noted that the infant school head teacher had tendered her resignation and the chair of the federated governing body contacted the Council in May 2012, requesting that amalgamation be considered.


The report provided details and analysis of the proposals and a timetable for the consultation process. It was proposed that Cabinet consider the outcome of informal consultation on 15 January 2013.


It was noted that a diversity impact assessment would be completed and reported to Members.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved officers proceeding to a period of informal consultation, to obtain the comments and opinions of interested stakeholders.




To comply with the approved School Organisation Plan 2011-16, which states that “all Infant and Junior Schools should be amalgamated over time”.


Approval to proceed to a six-week period of consultation will ensure the Council complies with its duty to follow the full consultation process when proposing changes to school organisation.