Issue - meetings

Police and Crime Panel

Meeting: 04/09/2012 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Establishing a Police and Crime Panel for Kent and Medway pdf icon PDF 68 KB




This report provided details of the statutory duty to establish a Police and Crime Panel for the local Police force, namely Kent and Medway, as required under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.


The role of the Police and Crime Panel would be, primarily, to scrutinise and maintain a check and balance on the new Police and Crime Commissioner, although the Panel would not have direct control over the Police and Crime Commissioner’s decisions. In addition, the Panel would be able to: review and veto the proposed precept; review and veto the decision to appoint a Chief Constable and; review but not veto the appointment of various other senior staff.


There had been two meetings of the Shadow Police and Crime Panel earlier in 2012, which had discussed and agreed to recommend terms of reference, panel arrangements and procedure rules to all of the local authorities in Kent and Medway, as set out in Appendices 1-3 of the report.  


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed the arrangements and rules, set out in Appendices 1-3 to the report, to enable the Police and Crime Panel to be formally constituted by November 2012.


The Cabinet noted that the Leader would notify the Head of Democratic Services at Kent County Council of his two nominations to the Police and Crime Panel.




To enable the establishment of the Police and Crime Panel by November 2012.