6 Proposals for the Development of Additional Primary Age Provision in Chatham PDF 1 MB
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This report provided details of the need for additional primary age provision in the Chatham area updating the needs identified in the School Organisation Plan 2011-2016, using the latest school census and health data. The School Organisation Plan 2011-16 highlighted an emerging need for additional primary age provision in some areas of Medway, specifically, Chatham, Rochester and Gillingham West. Subsequently, the Children and Adults Capital Programme Cabinet Advisory Group considered the latest forecast figures for Medway and presented options for addressing the identified need. The Cabinet Advisory Group requested further information in the spring, after offers had been made for primary school places for September 2012.
The latest forecasts using the data received in Spring 2012 indicated that the pressure on primary school places was likely to be even more severe than initially highlighted in the School Organisation Plan 2011-2016. This pressure was primarily a result of significant unforeseen inward migration. There had also been further increases in the birth rate, both of which had particularly impacted on the Chatham area. The report provided details of proposals to mitigate these pressures.
The Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee considered this report on 31 May 2012 and its comments were set out in an addendum report.
The report stated that a Diversity Impact Assessment would be completed in relation to any specific proposals taken forward.
Decision number: |
Decision: |
85/2012 |
The Cabinet approved the implementation of plans for the temporary expansion of Greenvale School by one form of entry from September 2012 and up to an additional two forms of entry from September 2013, by establishing additional accommodation on the land to the rear of the White Road Community Centre. |
86/2012 |
The Cabinet approved the development of plans to use the former Chatham South site for the establishment of a new primary age Academy from September 2014, and for officers to formally notify the Department for Education (DfE) of the Council’s intention to consult with interested parties to identify a preferred provider. |
87/2012 |
The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Children and Adults Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, to make a recommendation to the DfE for a preferred provider to run the new school as an Academy. |
88/2012 |
The Cabinet approved the development of more detailed designs for the Chatham South site and buildings to establish a three form entry primary school and the transfer of part of the accommodation to meet the curriculum needs of Chatham Grammar School for Boys. |
This will ensure that the council meets its statutory duty to ensure sufficient good school places.