Issue - meetings

Gateway 3 Procurement Tender Process Review and Contract Award: Integrated Social Care System

Meeting: 15/05/2012 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Gateway 3 Procurement Tender Process Review and Contract Award: Integrated Social Care Systems Acquisition pdf icon PDF 115 KB




This report sought permission to award a contract for the procurement of a new Integrated Social Care System (“Social Care System”), an electronic records management system that was used to record information about families. 


It was noted that currently the Children’s and Adults Services held client data separately to the other. By procuring the Social Care System, both the Children and Adult’s Directorates would be able to capture details of a family’s service needs. It was considered that practitioners would be able to form a better picture of a child or adults’ care requirements, reduce time dedicated to data entry of service user details, thereby enabling staff in both departments to spend more time with service users, having already formed a complete picture of the needs of the family as a whole.


Members were advised that the supplier for a Social Care System had been selected using an EU Compliant framework – Government Procurement Service – Local Government Software Application Solutions to support the analysis and delivery of operational social work and care management, meet the requirements of Professor Munro’s Child Protection Review and the Department of Health’s Putting People First Personalisation agenda.


This Procurement Gateway 3 Report had been approved for submission to the Cabinet after review and circulation to Children’s and Adult’s Directorate Management Team meeting on 10 April 2012 and Strategic Procurement Board on 27 April 2012. 


An exempt appendix provided key information in respect of finance and whole-life costing and detailed procurement process tender evaluation information.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved the procurement contract award to Corelogic, subject to Council agreeing the addition to the capital programme as set out at decision 82/2012.


The Cabinet recommend to Full Council that the scheme for the acquisition and implementation of a new ICT integrated system for Social Care be added to the Council’s capital programme at a project cost of £1,317,895 as set out in section 2.1.1 of the Exempt Appendix to the report.




The recommendations have been provided on the basis of the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT) based upon a composite mixture of quality and price. The proposed contractor has adequately demonstrated that they can meet the specification contained in the Mini-Competition Documents.