Issue - meetings

End of Year Performance Report 2011/2012

Meeting: 10/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 2011/2012 End of Year Performance Report pdf icon PDF 109 KB

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This report provided detail of the quarter 4/year end Council Plan performance information. This included an overview of each of the Council’s priorities and the status of each measure of success. Proposed targets for 2012/2013 were set out in Appendix 3 to the report.


The views of the Business Support and the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committees were set out in Appendix 4 to the report. This included a number of recommendations from the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee to Cabinet. The views of the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee were set out in an addendum report. The Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee was scheduled to consider this report on 17 July 2012.


Staff were thanked for their role in achieving performance levels set out in the report, as were the partners and agencies the Council worked with in providing services. The Overview and Scrutiny Committees were also thanked for their scrutiny of the Council’s targets.


Decision number:



The Cabinet notedyear-end performance and agreed the recommendations from the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as set out in Appendix 4 to the report, with the exception of (g) - truancy patrols.


The Cabinet agreed the targets for 2012/13 as set out in appendix 3 of the report, with the following amendments:

W5 – Satisfaction with how the Council deals with graffiti (PI was data only in 2011/12) – increase 2012/2013 target to 80%

G6 – Satisfaction with parks and open spaces – increase 2012/2013 target to 83%

G7 – Satisfaction with play areas – increase 2012/2013 target to 80%

NI 59L – Initial assessment for children’s social care carried out within 10 working days of referral – increase target to 78%

NI 73 – Achievement at level 4 or above in both English and Maths at Key Stage 2 – increase 2012/2013 target to 76%

NI 75 – Achievement of 5 or more A*- C grades at GCSE or equivalent including English and Maths (LAA) – increase 2012/2013 target to 63%

NI 92 – Narrowing the gap between the lowest achieving 20% in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and the rest (LAA) – the 2012/2013 target to remain at 31.5%

NI 130 – Social care clients receiving Self Directed Support in the year to 31 March – increase the 2012/2013 target to 60%

LRCC3 – Maintaining people in employment - Number of intensive assists to local businesses – increase 2012/2013 target to 200

NI 117 – 16 to 18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) – change the 2012/2013 target to 5.8%

LX5 – Working days lost due to sickness absence – change the 2012/2013 target to 7.00 days

REGEN 1c – Employment that has lasted 26 weeks – add 2012/2013 target: 100 new jobs.




Full and accurate performance reporting to elected Members is consistent with best practice and allows them to review the council’s performance.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6