Issue - meetings

Inspiration Centre at Strood Academy

Meeting: 07/08/2012 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Proposals for the Inspiration Centre at Strood Academy pdf icon PDF 31 KB




This report set out details of expressions of interest from two organisations in relation to the use of the Inspiration Centre at Strood Academy.


It was noted that in February 2009 the Council approved the business case for the Strood Academy, which included a sum of £2 million to establish a vocational centre. This was no longer relevant however, following withdrawal of financial support for diplomas and changes in Government policy towards vocational education.


The centre offered 430m2 space within Strood Academy and it was noted that proposals had been requested that involved:


  • A third party managing the space on behalf of the Council
  • Neutral costs to the Council
  • Support for young people to connect with businesses in Medway
  • Minimal financial risk
  • Adequate provisions for safeguarding
  • Minimal risk to the Council’s reputation.


A summary of the expressions of interest from Medway Youth Trust and Regen Offices Ltd were set out in the report. Further details were provided within an exempt appendix, together with an options appraisal of these expressions of interest.


Decision number:




The Cabinet agreed

a)     That Medway Youth Trust is selected as the preferred tenant for the Inspiration Centre.

b)     That officers enter detailed negotiations with both Medway Youth Trust and Strood Academy Trust and that the Assistant Director, Legal and Corporate Services and the Director of Children and Adult Services, in consultation with the Children and Adults Capital Programme Cabinet Advisory Group, be authorised to agree terms for the leases and the other terms of occupancy of the Centre, together with the capital costs for furniture and equipment, respectively.

c)     That the terms of occupancy address the issues of safeguarding of young people and the reputational implications for the parties involved, in addition to financial and related issues.




Medway Youth Trust’s proposal meets the criteria set by Members; there will be clear benefits for young people from the proposed services and Medway Youth Trust is a trusted provider of services for young people to the Council. This will secure a solution for the Inspiration Centre and will be in line with the original objectives for the vocational centre.