8 Cabinet Advisory Groups PDF 39 KB
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This report provided details of the various Cabinet Advisory Groups, which required to be re-established on an annual basis.
Advisory Groups provided assistance in key areas, including corporate parenting, international relations, the local development framework, the local transport plan, regeneration, the Council’s procurement arrangements and Health and Wellbeing. A new advisory group to review, analysis and scrutinise the Regeneration, Community and Culture capital programme was also proposed.
These groups have no decision-making powers and consist of both executive and non-executive Councillors. In some instances they also include external representatives.
The report gave details of the various groups and a number of proposed revisions to the arrangements.
An addendum report was tabled at the meeting which set out some proposed changes to the membership of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board.
Decision number: |
Decision: |
91/2012 |
The Cabinet agreed the establishment of the Cabinet Advisory Groups with the terms of reference set out in the report and appointment of Members to these bodies, as set out in appendix 1 to the report, for 2012/2013, and as set out in the Addendum Report in respect of the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board Cabinet Advisory Group. |
The establishment of these groups will support the Cabinet in decision-making and the development of policies.