Issue - meetings

Tackling Tobacco Issues in Medway

Meeting: 13/03/2012 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Tobacco Control Update pdf icon PDF 457 KB




This report provided details of progress on tobacco control including information on the three priority areas for Medway: tackling illegal supply; de-normalising smoking and; advancing the smokefree agenda, as developed by the Tobacco Control Alliance.


The report provided detailed information on a number of issues including the prevalence of smoking in Medway, health statistics, achievements to date, current activity and planned activity.


The report stated that the Tobacco Control Alliance, supported by the NHS funded Tobacco Control Coordinator, would continue to develop and deliver a comprehensive programme of work.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the contents of the report and noted the three tobacco control priorities, as set out in paragraph 2.2 of the report, identified by Medway’s Tobacco Control Alliance from local research.




To ensure that a comprehensive programme of work to tackle tobacco issues is given a clear focus within Medway and that the Cabinet can be assured that progress is being made.