Issue - meetings

Gateway 4 Procurement Post Project Completion Review: Waste Collection and Disposal Contracts

Meeting: 17/01/2012 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Gateway 4 Procurement Post Project Completion Review: Waste Collection and Disposal Contracts pdf icon PDF 402 KB




This report reviewed the progress of the Waste Collection and Disposal Contracts currently delivered through Veolia Environmental Services. The report also sought agreement for the collection contract extension from 7 years to 9 years to achieve efficiencies as laid out in the exempt appendix to the report.


It was noted that this contract related to residual waste collection, recycling collection from kerbside and bring sites, materials recycling facility provision and end markets for all recycling materials, food and garden waste collection and street cleansing. 


This was based upon the procurement process undertaken during 2007-2010 and had led to an award of contract by Cabinet on 18 March 2010 for service commencement on 4 October 2010.


The report set out details of a number of options, together with their respective advantages and disadvantages. It had been approved for submission to the Cabinet after review and discussion at the Regeneration, Community and Culture Directorate Management Team meeting on 24 November 2011 and Strategic Procurement Board on 30 November 2011.


A performance report providing an overview of the work carried out in the first year of the contract was attached at Appendix 1 to the report and an exempt appendix contained key finance and whole life costing information and efficiencies in relation to the two-year extension of the collection contract.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the progress made to date with the collection and disposal contracts.


The Cabinet agreed that the waste collection contract with Veolia be extended by 2 years to enable the authority to realise the cost savings as detailed in the exempt appendix to the report.




The decisions are provided on the basis of value for money, a realisation of annual cost savings and that Veolia have a track record of delivering high quality services for the residents of Medway with very high satisfaction levels recorded.