Issue - meetings

Community Infrastructure Levy

Meeting: 17/01/2012 - Cabinet (Item 7)

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This report provided an update on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), which came into force in April 2010. It recommended that work start on a Medway CIL Charging Schedule, the final version of which would be considered for formal adoption by the Council in 2013.


It was reported that CIL was a levy that local authorities (known as Charging Authorities, after adoption of CIL) could choose to apply to new developments in their area. The levy could apply to every new dwelling and commercial development, and only be spent on providing infrastructure to support the development within that authority’s area. The report also gave details of how, after April 2014, the use of pooled contributions through Section 106 obligations would be limited.


The report gave details on the background and implications of CIL, together with details of setting CIL and the approach being adopted by other authorities in Kent. The report considered the options available and recommended the preparation of a Medway CIL. An outline timetable was included within the report.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed that work commence in January 2012 on preparing a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to enable Medway Council to become a CIL Charging Authority before 6 April 2014, in accordance with option 1 of the report, and in consultation with other Kent authorities.




To enable a mechanism to be in place by April 2014 to collect contributions from developers to support development.