Issue - meetings

Modification to the Decision to Amalgamate Barnsole Infant and Junior Schools

Meeting: 17/01/2012 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Modification to the Decision to Amalgamate Barnsole Infant and Junior Schools pdf icon PDF 283 KB




This report requested approval to modify a previous decision to amalgamate Barnsole Infant and Junior Schools, by bringing forward the implementation date from 1 September 2013 to 1 September 2012.


It was noted that in 2010 it had been decided, following completion of the full statutory process, to approve proposals to amalgamate the federated Barnsole Infant and Junior Schools on 1 September 2013. Whilst the decision to amalgamate the two schools was not conditional upon building works, this date would coincide with the completion of proposed work. However, following the Government’s spending review the Council’s capital grant allocations had been significantly reduced. This meant that it had not been possible to allocate any further funding to the Council’s Primary Capital Programme, including the proposed project at Barnsole.


Members were informed that the governing body of the Barnsole Schools Federation had written to the Council requesting that the amalgamation date was brought forward, as there was no longer an advantage in waiting until September 2013. The report considered the options and a copy of the letter from the governing body was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.


A Diversity Impact Assessment (DIA) screening form had been completed and submitted with the original proposals. This was attached as Appendix 2 to the report. It was noted that the change to the implementation date would not alter any of the findings in that report and therefore a new DIA was not considered necessary.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved the modification to the implementation date of the amalgamation of Barnsole Infant and Junior Schools, by advancement of one calendar year from 1 September 2013 to 1 September 2012 of the original related proposals to:

(i)                 close Barnsole Junior School and

(ii)               expand the upper and lower age limits of Barnsole Infant School.




By approving the modification to the implementation date as set out above, the Cabinet is endorsing the School Organisation Plan principles, approved by Cabinet in 2009, which intend where possible and practical to reduce the number of transitions for pupils between the various stages of education.


The advancement of the implementation date would enable the school to avoid unnecessary delays in operating as one school, which would afford the school the opportunity to strengthen its combined teaching and learning practices sooner. This is expected to have a positive impact on the outcomes of children attending the school.