Issue - meetings

Young People's Concessionary Travel in Medway

Meeting: 04/10/2011 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Enhancements to Young People's Concessionary Travel in Medway pdf icon PDF 55 KB




This report provided details of the options and future costs of young people’s concessionary travel in Medway. It was noted that the Council had agreed an additional £250,000 for this purpose, at the budget setting meeting on 24 February 2011 and subsequently, modelling work was carried out by the Council’s consultants, MCL, on the options. This included an improved half fare scheme and flat/capped fares for either £1 or 50p per single journey.


The report analysed the options and provided details of the actions required to ensure the scheme would be operational by January 2012.


Details of the Diversity Impact Assessment on the change in services was attached at Appendix B to the report. The screening form stated that it was not necessary to proceed to a full assessment.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed the implementation of an extension to the existing young people’s half fare travel concession to allow all young people up to the end of the academic year after their 18th birthday with a valid pass to pay half fare at all times when travelling on any local bus service starting in Medway.


The Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Front Line Services and Finance, to finalise the name/branding of the enhanced scheme.


The Cabinet requested that officers evaluate the benefits of the scheme after 12 months in operation and consider any possible enhancements.




The proposed extension to the existing half fare travel concession on bus services will provide the young people of Medway with much improved transport opportunities and represents good value for money.