Issue - meetings

Establishment of a Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board in Medway

Meeting: 06/09/2011 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Establishment of a Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board in Medway pdf icon PDF 273 KB

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This report set out proposals for the establishment of a shadow Health and Wellbeing Board in Medway from April 2012 in response to the Health and Social Care Bill and following a facilitated event with key stakeholders in Medway on 11 July 2011.


The report set out details of the Health and Social Care Bill, which envisages a new role for local authorities in the co-ordination, commissioning, and overview (including scrutiny) of health, social care (both adults and children’s), public health and health improvement. The role of the new Health and Wellbeing Board in promoting better integrated working was set out.


Whist the full statutory responsibilities of the board would not be known until the Health and Social Care Bill was enacted the Department for Health was encouraging the establishment of a shadow Health and Wellbeing Board.


Proposals for setting up a shadow Board were set out in section 4 in the report covering membership, initial terms of reference and work programme items. A supplementary report was tabled at the meeting that clarified the proposed membership of the Medway Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board.


It was noted that views on the proposed approach had been sought from the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Health Partnership Board (at its meeting with Delivering Health Together in Medway Board) and the Medway Clinical Commissioning Group Board. Comments from each were summarised within the report.


In relation to the request from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for comment on resourcing the work of the Shadow Board the Leader advised that support for the Board would be accommodated within existing budgets in this financial year and that the cost for the next year would be considered as part of the 2012/13 budget setting process.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed to establish a Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board in Medway from 1 April 2012 as a Cabinet Advisory Group which will start meeting in pre-shadow form from October 2011, with the proposed membership, terms of reference and initial work programme as set out in section 4 of the report and the supplementary report tabled at the meeting.


The Cabinet noted the comments from the Health Partnership Board, Clinical Commissioning Group Board and the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee and agreed these should be taken into account by the Board as it develops its work programme.


The Cabinet agreed that the Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee be advised that support for the shadow Health and Wellbeing Board would be accommodated within existing budgets in this financial year and that the cost for the next year would be considered as part of the 2012/13 budget setting process.




The establishment of a shadow Health and Wellbeing Board responds to the requirements of the Health and Social Care Bill and follows a facilitated event with key stakeholders in Medway on 11 July 2011.