Issue - meetings

First Quarter Council Plan Monitoring

Meeting: 02/08/2011 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Quarter 1 Council Plan Monitoring 2011/2012 pdf icon PDF 604 KB


This report presented details of the Council’s performance for the first quarter of 2011/2012. In particular, it included performance against indicators and actions agreed in the Council Plan 2011/2012.


It was noted that of the 47 key measures that could be reported this quarter 32 (68%) had achieved or outperformed the annual target and a further 4 (9%) were below target but within acceptable variance limits. 11 (23%) key measures were below the annual target. Additionally, there were 7 performance measures which were not rated as they were “data only” and 10 that could not be reported this quarter but had been included for Cabinet information.


The Cabinet accepted this report as urgent to enable it to receive and consider the latest performance information at the earliest opportunity.


Decision number:




The Cabinet noted performance for Quarter 1 2011/2012.




Full and accurate performance reporting to elected Members is consistent with best practice, and allows them to review the council’s performance.