8 Interim Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2011 - 2012 PDF 647 KB
This report provided details of the Interim Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan which was a strategic update of the 2005-34 HRA Business Plan, giving up to date information on the nature and condition of the housing stock and targets for improving the service in the future.It was noted that due to the current uncertainty of the policy environment, the Business Plan had been developed as an interim plan on a planning horizon of one year.
It was reported that the Interim Plan had been developed using the work and consultation that led to the development of the HRA Asset Management Strategy Plan, the Annual Report to Tenants along with resident surveys consultation with Resident Forums and Focus Groups. The Plan had also been considered and approved by the HRA’s Housing Improvement Board, a scrutiny panel comprising of tenants.
It was noted that the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered the interim plan on 9 June 2011. The report gave details of the committee’s discussion and noted that the plan had been recommended for adoption subject to the inclusion of a breakdown of planned maintenance. This had been included within the plan attached to the Cabinet report.
It was noted that a Diversity Impact Assessment screening had been undertaken and the result of this showed that a full Diversity Impact Assessment was required. A copy of the screening form was attached to the report.
Decision number:
Decision: |
75/2011 |
The Cabinet agreed to adopt the Interim Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan. |
Local Authorities are required to produce and maintain a HRA Business Plan that meets the Governments ‘fit for purpose’ criteria. The adoption of this
Interim Business Plan would allow the Council to continue to meet this requirement.