Issue - meetings

Gateway 1 Options Appraisal Condition Programme 2011/12: Boiler Works

Meeting: 08/03/2011 - Cabinet (Item 4)

4 Gateway 1 Options Appraisal: School Condition Programme 2011/2012 Boiler and Roofing Works pdf icon PDF 45 KB




This report sought permission to commence the procurement of boiler and roofing works at a number of Medway schools.


The purpose of the condition programme was to ensure schools could remain open and operational, complying with health and safety legislation and accessibility requirements. The programme was based on data extracted from the regular condition surveys of schools and works targeted at the worst affected schools and prioritised (in line with the Department for Education prescribed condition formula scoring).


The report considered the options available and recommended procurement via an EU compliant framework. An exempt appendix set out details of the whole life costings and budget for this project.


It was noted that the Strategic Procurement Board had considered and recommended this report to Cabinet on 16 February 2011.


Decision number:



The Cabinet agreed that this project proceeds to Gateway 2 procurement stage, as part of the 2011/2012 Condition Programme, via the invitation to quote route, as set out in paragraph 3.4 of the report. Building & Design Services will package the projects into 3 or 4 projects per package and tender via the select list.




This project seeks to avoid a deterioration of school buildings and a position where school buildings are not energy efficient and school closures may result due to a lack of hot water and heating or leaking roofs.