Issue - meetings

South Thames Gateway Building Control Partnership - Business Plan 2011/2014

Meeting: 15/02/2011 - Cabinet (Item 15)

15 South Thames Gateway Building Control Partnership - Business Plan pdf icon PDF 258 KB




This report sought agreement to the seventh draft South Thames Gateway Partnership Business Plan for 2011/2014, following initial consideration by the South Thames Gateway Building Control Joint Committee on 20 January 2011. The Business Plan would also be considered by Gravesham and Swale Borough Councils prior to final approval at the Joint Committee’s Annual General Meeting, likely to be in June 2011.


The Business Plan had been circulated as an exempt appendix to the report as it contained commercially sensitive information.


The Business Plan outlined how the building control function would be delivered for the three partnership Councils over the next three financial years. It included details of the vision, objectives and key performance indicators together with a review on the effects of increased competition and new charges legislation.


A Diversity Impact Assessment had been undertaken on the draft business plan. This had concluded that a full impact assessment was not necessary, however, a number of actions had been identified.


Decision number:



The Cabinet approved the proposed Business Plan for 2011/14 for the South Thames Gateway Building Control Partnership and noted the proposed contribution of £207,589 from Medway.




The Constitution of the Joint Committee requires approval of the Business Plan for the following year by the Cabinet of each Partner Authority.