Issue - meetings

Statement of Licensing Policy (Policy Framework)

Meeting: 13/01/2011 - Council (Item 692)

692 Licensing Act 2003 - Review of Statement of Licensing Policy (Policy Framework) pdf icon PDF 546 KB

This report asks Council to consider and approve the Council Statement of Licensing Policy.




This report asked Council to consider and approve the Council Statement of Licensing Policy, following consideration by the Licensing and Safety Committee, the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet.


Councillor O’Brien, supported by Councillor Mason, proposed the recommendations set out in the report.




The Council agreed the proposed changes to the Licensing Policy as set out in paragraphs 5.1.1 – 5.1.5 of the report as part of the Council’s policy framework.

Meeting: 21/12/2010 - Cabinet (Item 157)

157 Licensing Act 2003 - Review of Statement of Licensing Policy (Policy Framework) pdf icon PDF 449 KB

Additional documents:


This report provided details of the review of the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy following its last major review in 2007. The report stated that the Policy worked well in achieving the promotion of the four licensing objectives: prevention of crime and disorder; public safety; prevention of public nuisance and protection of children from harm.


The report set out the consultation process and representations together with officers’ responses. A number of changes to the Policy were proposed as a result of legislative changes, responses to consultation and general housekeeping.


It was noted that a Diversity Impact Assessment had been undertaken and that a full assessment was not required, however, a couple of actions had been identified for future reviews, as set out in appendix 2 to the report.


The comments of the Licensing and Safety Committee were set out in the report and the views of the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee were set out in an addendum report.


Decision number:



The Cabinet noted the views of the Licensing and Safety Committee and the Business Support Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The Cabinet recommended the proposed changes to the Licensing Policy as set out in paragraphs 5.1.1 – 5.1.5 to Council on 13 January 2011 for approval as part of the Council’s policy framework.




The Council must review its Statement of Licensing Policy every three years.  The proposed changes to the Policy reflect legislative changes and the outcome of consultation.