130 Disposal of 78 Woodlands Road, Gillingham PDF 885 KB
This report provided details of a proposal to declare 78 Woodlands Road, Gillingham (Cemetery Lodge and Mess Room), surplus to enable its disposal at best consideration. The report stated that the property was now vacant and that it was no longer Council policy to re-let lodges to service tenants when they became vacant.
Decision number: |
Decision: |
190/2010 |
The Cabinet agreedthat the site of the lodge/office at 78 Woodlands Road Gillingham, (as shown approximately edged black on the attached plan) be declared surplus and the Assistant Director of Housing and Corporate Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, be given delegated authority to dispose of it at best consideration. |
To reduce revenue costs, realise a capital receipt and gain investment in the Medway area.