560 Medway Renaissance - Post March 2011 PDF 122 KB
This report seeks authorisation for the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture to consider and determine all consultation responses received in respect of the affected posts and to determine the residual functions from the proposed closure of the Medway Renaissance Unit.
This report advised of the cessation of funding by the Homes and Communities Agency from 31 March 2011 and sought authorisation for the Director to consider and determine all consultation responses received in respect of the affected posts and to determine the residual functions from the Medway Renaissance Unit.
The Leader, supported by Councillor Jarrett,
proposed the recommendations in the report, adding that it was
regrettable to have to make this decision and it in no way
reflected upon the work of the Medway Renaissance Unit.
The Council authorised the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture to:
consider and determine all consultation responses received in
respect of the affected posts within the Medway Renaissance Unit
and the post identified within the Business Support
(b) determine the residual functions from the Medway Renaissance Unit.
115 Medway Renaissance - Post March 2011 PDF 123 KB
This report considered the cessation of funding by the Homes and Communities Agency from 31 March 2011 and sought authorisation to commence formal consultation with staff on the closure of the Medway Renaissance Unit as no future funding had been identified.
Members considered the various schemes that the Medway Renaissance Unit had helped deliver or significantly progress since its establishment. Whilst noting the contribution that the unit had made to regeneration in Medway without any guarantee of funding it was necessary to consult on closing the unit from 31 March 2011.
The proposed timetable for consultation with staff and trade unions was attached at Appendix 1 to the report and a diversity impact assessment screening form was attached at Appendix 2.
Decision number: |
Decision: |
170/2010 |
The Cabinet authorised the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture to undertake consultation with staff and trade unions on the proposal to close the Medway Renaissance Unit from 31 March 2011. |
171/2010 |
The Cabinet recommended that Council authorise the Director of Regeneration, Community and Culture: (i) to consider and determine all consultation responses received in respect of the affected posts within the Medway Renaissance Unit and the post identified within the Business Support Department; (ii) to determine the residual functions from the Medway Renaissance Unit. |
To respond to the cessation of funding from the Homes and Communities Agency.