129 Change of Age Range - Walderslade Primary School: Outcome of Consultation PDF 79 KB
This report provided details of the outcome of consultation on altering the age range of Walderslade Primary School, Dargets Road, Walderslade, with effect from 2011, to admit children aged 3 years. The report set out the consultation process noting that a total of 33 responses had been received (28 were in support of proposals whilst 5 were opposed).
It was noted that a Diversity Impact Assessment (DIA) had been completed in October 2005, which concluded that, as a universal service, available to all, the development of foundation stage provision at schools would not disproportionately affect one part of the community. A refresh of the DIA screening concurred with this position.
Decision number: |
Decision: |
189/2010 |
The Cabinet agreed to amend the age range of Walderslade Primary School, to permit the admission of children from the age of 3 years, with effect from September 2011. |
The establishment of a Foundation Stage unit at Walderslade Primary School would be consistent with the Council’s duty to secure an education place for all three and four year olds whose parents want one. As the admissions authority for community schools, the Council is responsible for determining whether to make a change to the published age range of the schools. The Council, with the support of the governing body and the headteacher of the school, consider that the change in age range to permit the admission of children from the age of 3 years will be an effective means of raising standards of attainment at the school and improving life chances of children in the area.