117 The Interface Land Development Framework PDF 88 KB
Additional documents:
This report set out the outcome of consultation on the proposals for the Supplementary Planning Document for the Interface Land, Chatham Maritime.
The Supplementary Planning Document would guide future development for the Interface Land, which forms the last mainly undeveloped site in the former Royal Navy Dockyard, providing a legal planning framework for the development of the area and bringing together the Council's aspiration for the Interface Land to both national and Council planning policy.
It was noted that a four-week programme of public consultation on the development framework for the Interface Lands area of Chatham Historic Dockyard had been completed and the results were set at Appendix 1 to the report.
It was noted that the Regeneration, Community and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered this report on 29 September 2010 and the comments and recommendation was set out in section 7 of the report.
A Diversity Impact Assessment had been completed, as set out in Appendix 3 to the report, and it was noted that it had not been necessary to carry out a full impact assessment.
Decision number: |
Decision: |
174/2010 |
The Cabinet agreed to adopt the Interface Lands Development Framework as a supplementary planning document. |
To ensure there is an up-to-date planning framework for this important part of Chatham Historic Dockyard that will guide investment and planning decisions.
395 The Interface Land Development Framework (Supplementary Planning Document) PDF 10 MB
This report provides an update on the preparation of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the Interface Land, Chatham Maritime. A four week programme of public consultation on a draft SPD for the Interface Land, Chatham has been carried out and the results are set out in this report.
The Assistant Director for Development, Economy and Transport gave a presentation detailing the area of land covered by this Supplementary Planning Document and the key issues raised during the consultation period.
The committee asked why covered slip number 7 was not part of the consideration for this document and officers advised that it was by far the largest covered slip and because of its size it had a viable future whereas the other covered slipways had been problematic to find a suitable use for. Officers emphasised that they had developed a very good working relationship with English Heritage which supported the aims of this planning document.
The committee agreed to endorse the Interface Land Development Framework and recommended it to Cabinet for adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document.